Just cuz we think it was a stupid reason for it, to her it was real..
I have always said do not tell me how I am suppose to feel...Those are my feelings..
I am, sure there are others here that have gone thru some tuff times, and couldnt handle life..Should we bash you cu you felt like killing your self?
Sorry for the rant, but she was hurting and there is no reason to ridicule her now that she is dead
"Formo" wrote:
If this was before she died, I wouldn't have felt the urge 'ridicule' her. I would be in full-on support mode. But this isn't the case, she already signed that check.
I don't care how real it was to her, fact of the matter is.. there is always somebody, somewhere that's got things worse and survive. She lacked perspective and needed help to find said perspective.
Sorry, I don't care who you are, I refuse to feel pity for those that decide to end their life, no matter the cause.
"longtimefan" wrote: