I guess I understand why people think suicide is cowardly and selfish. (And I dothink it the ultimate sin.)
And there are some ways in which I fully admit to being a coward: snakes and rats, for two.
But I think the thing we forget is that if someone is so severely depressed that they are contemplating suicide, by definition they are no longer thinking straight. Suicide under such conditions is not a reasoned or rational decision. And to me, ascribing a value like "selfish" or "cowardly" to it really misses that reality. If someone is at that point, with their mental state that out of whack already, it's not a moment when other people are going to be relevant.
And, ISTM, it is one time when we on the outside should NOT be saying, "think of others."
This is very personal for me, because right now I"m fairly close to one of those dangerous places. One of those places where I find myself very tempted to think that I've fucked away my life (both the part already past and, because of my weight, etc, a big chunk of a future I might have had) with nothing to show for it, nothing accomplished. Much as I hate the phrase, I'm in a service profession and I look at my 20-plus years in the classroom and I say, just how much have I helped people think better about economics and history.
Now the point is not that this thinking is accurate or properly focused. The point is that there are times when that thinking gets too much control of me. When my mental state gets warped -- times, unlike right at this moment, when I *cannot* articulate in a post like this what I'm thinking, *and* times when I feel no point in even trying to do so.
And here's the takeaway: what I've learned from past battles with my demons is that when I get to that danger point, I *have* to think selfishly. Really selfishly. Lose-some-of-the-few-friends-and-little-respect-I-do-have, and say it's not about anyone else but me. Me me me! It's not about anything more, or anything less, than getting my own goddamn head on straight again. And service to others be damned. And worrying about how others are affected be damned.
If I didn't think selfishly, really selfishly, at such times, I think it would just make the situation even worse.
I've never really come close to suicide. I'm too indecisive to make that kind of decision. And, as I tried to suggest in my earlier post, I think the big reason why is that I trust God to do right by me in the end. But I think a smaller reason is that when push comes to shove, I'm willing to be pretty seriously self-absorbed and selfish.
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Romans 12:2 (NKJV)