I wasn't trying to start up the anti-McCarthy bandwageon, just merely trying to see if others shared the same concern. Clearly many others feel that concern is unwarrented. evad04 I have very little interest in what a self-righteous, arrogant, prick, like yourself, has to say about any of the posts I leave on this board.
I do not care much for personal attacks. Outside looking in I am puzzled at time with the play calling, but I acknowledge I understand very little about the matter.
"evad04" wrote:
I deserve that. I owe you an apology. Truth is, I am as emotional as just about any other poster on these forums. The source of my frustration is mainly the misattribution (as well as disproportionate distribution) of blame. I didn't have any right to say you are an ignorant person. I think you may be slightly ignorant of the Packers offense, but that wouldn't tend to differ with most fans (myself included). I'm sorry.
I do think it is funny how your thread title (or I think the subtitle about taking the clipboard out of his hands) has been changed. Stick to your guns, man. You claim he's a great talent developer but can't call plays. And say as you do that you're not inciting an anti-McCarthy bandwagon, but comments like "McCarthy's offense lacks originality of any kind. period." go some distance to erode that.
"Chutzpah515" wrote: