conspiracy theories!!! everybody's out to get us!!! they're taking our freedoms away!!!! everyone should carry a gun!!! they're doing it to us!!! they're brainwashing us!!! they need to stop making new laws!!!
this is what irritates the livin piss outta me...THEY are elected by US!! if people would open their f'in minds to the possibility that neither political party has it right, WE might just be able to turn this country around. but hell, why not just continue to act self-righteous about one political party or the other...yeah that's workin GREAT!!!
here's an idea...just cuz your mama or daddy chose a certain party doesn't mean you HAVE to choose the same one or ANY of them. have your own mind & don't allow politicians sway you!!
/rant off.
"dfosterf" wrote:
I'm in the business of "swaying politicians." I do not put up with their shit. I gave our state senator HELL in line when getting ready to vote (I was pissed about his vote for the smoking ban here in Pennsylvania)
These bastards are incompetent, arrogant and stupid here in PA. I am about to incur a full 30% increases in my electric bill, OVERNIGHT--literally--- thanks to "deregulation" and "consumer choice." (I couldn't make this shit up if I tried.)
My state senator is going to be held accountable for this. I am making it my business to start the process this very morning. I wrote him with my "immediate" complaint, and I friggin' DARE him to not respond to my letter.
My "first shot" across his bow, wrote and sent this am:
In the midst of an impending event of major significance to all of your constituents...the huge increases in electrical generation fees, our state government creates a website that is less than worthless when attempting to shop for a new supplier. Check it out for yourself. While it gives some useful information about rates that various suppliers are offering, it does not tell you by zip code, etc. if that supplier is available in our area. The Patriot News admonished the government for this failure in an editorial, mentioning that there were 7 suppliers in the Harrisburg area (for example)--and then proceeded to FAIL TO TELL US WHO THEY WERE! I am aware of Dominion Energy, ConEd, and Direct Energy (with a 100 cancellation fee, but best rate so far) Who are the others? How about doing your constituents a REAL SERVICE and placing what is known on your website? I talked to you in line when voting (I was the guy giving you hell about the smoking ban), and did vote for you. Thank you for reading my request
"4PackGirl" wrote:
I will let everyone I know just exactly how well (or how poorly) my elected official handled my request. My "issue" is going to NAIL these Pavlovian dogs square in the wallet in about a month...THEN they will be "up in arms" about it...everyone.
These suppliers can mitigate the increase by up to about half of the amount, least what I have discovered so far. It might seem to be off-topic, but is really quite close to that which you speak of, Julie.