"Creating" jobs.
Did you know they count anyone that got a RAISE as a "new job" created? Yup.....if they got ONE CENT an hour more, it's.....(drum roll please) a NEW JOB CREATED!!!
I'm not making this up. They count it that way. Talk about dishonest.
"Wade" wrote:
To follow up on Cheesey's point...
A bit of math:
A. Stimulus package: estimated at $1 trillion cost. (actual number - bigger)
B. Cost of pretty nice job (total cost, not just the wage bill): 200,000/yr. (actual number smaller)
A divided by B. Jobs created by 1 trillion of effective spending in economy: 5 million. (actual number bigger)
C. Most optimistic claim of "new jobs created by stimulus" (i.e. from Administration, since backed off on): 650,000.
Using resources that should create 5 million jobs and creating less than 13 percent of them?
Call it fraud. Call it pride. Call it wishful thinking. I call it utterly stupid.
(It being Sunday morning, I'm trying to be polite.)
"Cheesey" wrote: