Great discussion, and i'm not sure what to think of all the information being sent our way. i AM pretty sure mankind is fucking up this planet (cutting down forrests and all that heavy industry is just not the right way to use this planet).
What bothers me is that some of us are using these contra-facts to say 'hey, it's not true at all, let's just live on like we do and keep killing this planet, the are all liars...'. I applaud any effort by people to make us change our habits in a good way, even if that means that not all what we hear is 100% true.
"Belgian_Packer" wrote:
I don't think it's as bad as some try to make it look. Wood is a renewable resource. Did you know that "old growth" forests are terrible places for animals to try to survive? If you don't take out some of the trees, the leaf canopy prevents sunlight and water to get to the ground. Thus, there is no new plant life that animals need to be able to eat. No plants for deer, rabbits, and any other grazing animals that eat plants. So those animals die, and now there are no prey animals for the predators to eat. You kill off all the animals that way.
There is nothing wrong with trying to take better care of what we have. Recycle, try to pollute less and all. But when you are told "We are killing the planet! We have to spend TRILLIONS to save it!" which is all an exageration, and really an all out lie, thats where i have a problem with it.
Did you know that companies can pay a "tax" that allows them to pollute? Yup......they can pay to pollute. If stopping polution is such a big deal, why allow a company to "buy off" it's responsibility? Why? Because as i have already said, it's ALL ABOUT THE MONEY!
I believe one of the major companies making big bucks off the "green" movement is called "HARA". And guess who will make HUGE profits and is tied into it? His initials are A. G.
Surprised? I'm not.