I haven't used it in a couple years, but I went to fire it up to extricate the pics, and it was deader than a doornail. I'll just need to see if someone I know has one laying around in their basement or something.
Sorry for semi-hijack, but the proximity to those seats got me going.
Oh, and something that Tripp mentioned:
Speaking of not dressed, she clearly underestimated the cold at Lambeau. I tried to give her blankets, gloves, hats, etc. She wouldn't take them and just shivered. I tried. Needless to say, I was bundled.
"dfosterf" wrote:
This is a generalized rant to the young whipper-snappers (Not Sfalim)
It ain't Madden out there. What I mean by that is this:
I often see / hear / read a bunch of commentary about what "x" player should or should not have done, that ball was "catchable", "How could he have thrown that ball, etc."
Get your ass in a seat in December in Lambeau...THEN tell us how they should have made that play, AFTER you have frozen YOUR ass off in those stands, lol. The amazing thing is that they play well enough in that kind of weather so as to make you think it's OK to bitch about it, imo.