I could do that, as well.
"dfosterf" wrote:
My ass. (I really am excluding present company here, so bear with me Detlev, lol)
Nothing personal, this is a generalized rant at all you European assholes (see I told you this wasn't personal, lol) that think soccer is such a superior game to American football, 8 gazillion fans watch soccer, the passion is so great, etc. etc. etc.
We can't get 32 decent kickers, or for that matter, 32 decent punters...
From the whole rest of the soccer-playing frigging world.
Don't EVEN tell me about the Americans that cannot kick...
Their dads wouldn't LET them. It has to do with effeminate tendency concerns on the part of a parent.
sorta kidding around.
OK, mostly kidding around.
"Rockmolder" wrote: