Packers will need to intercept Favre a couple times to clinch this one. Minnesotans found out last game about the heartbreak of the game changing fumble and the game losing interceptions that Favre provided for the Packers fans for 15 or so years.
"Formo" wrote:
You are joking right? As much heartache Favre's brought you guys, he's brought us DOUBLE time. Not to point out the HISTORY of the Vikings heartbreaks.. Favre's 2 turnovers last Sunday don't even EFFECT us and our heartaches. Sorry.
"obi1" wrote:
Actually only half kidding. As much excitement as Favre brought to GB and the NFL, I marvelled in as a Packer fan. As a fan of Favre playing as a Packer, I forgave the last minute INTs and fumble returns that caused the Packers to lose the game.
I am saying that it has just begun for you guys to augment the heartbreaks of the Vikings fans have already had.
"Formo" wrote:
Eh, can't be worse than Gary Anderson missing his first FG of the year in the NFC Championship game.
Or having a QB that has an MVP year (Culpepper), yet still can't manage to do anything in the playoffs.
Or any other sort of heartbreak we've endured throughout the years.. Favre could throw the REST of the season, and it still wouldn't affect me like the other choke jobs have.
"obi1" wrote: