WOW! It amazes me how nasty you Packers fans are to the 1 man who made the Pack what it is today just because he is having a Hard time with making the decision to retire.
I'm 38 and I think if I were in Favres shoes I would be the same way. I dont feel that 39 is old. Maybe by NFL standards yes, but to actually admit that I am to old to play would be very hard. Brett loves the game like few others do and has a blast when he plays.
So what if he blew a few games with INTs over the years, so what if the Pack did not go to the big game more because of him. The 1 thing that was always present when Favre was in GB was the opportunity, the excitement and the hope.
Before Brett arrived the Packers were just a shell of a team, they were the Lions. After his arrival the Pack went mainstream and people all over the world became Pack/Favre fans.
When a Legend decides to retire it is hard on everyone. Especially the legend. But Ted Thompson and MM made a horrible decision by treating #4 like any other player and they are the reason he is now with the Vikes.
How did the Pack do last year with their new wonder boy? Oh, wait. That was just due to the rebuilding. Rogers was great, had some great stats and games but it was not his fault.
Rogers was a One year wonder, now this year I predict the Pack will fall apart even more and start heading towards being more like the Lions once again. It is very very sad but true. And really, TT, MM and all the Favre haters now deserve exactly what is coming to them. I for one will be laughing when the Pack is destroyed in front of the world by their former Legend, it is coming and I for one will really enjoy it.
Minnesota WILL be in the Super Bowl this year. But they will not be able to Stop Pittsburgh. Steelers 31 - Vikings 27
Packers 4 - 10 at the very best. Rogers will be replaced mid season due to bad performance. McCarthy will be looking for a Job next year and Ted will know that he made CRUCIAL mistake that caused the Pack to become a losing team for the next decade or longer.
Sorry Pack fans but Favre had more Fans than the Packers themselves. Everyone knows that when #4 was pushed aside that the hopes and dreams of all the fans were as well.
It isn't too late to change your mind and buy a Viking Jersey to show your Support. A real fan would do this, I for one will be wearing the purple #4 at all Pack home games this year and rooting for a loss for the Pack. ONLY because I want to see Ted Thompson and MM face the music and cast aside.