Who provided that CD and is it Home or Professional and if it's Professional, is it Corp and what Service Pack is it?
"dfosterf" wrote:
Microsoft itself provided it. They do not ship a version past SP2. It is home w/SP2. I screwed up when she asked me...she said, "If you say you had professional, I will send professional" I got all honest by accident and said, "No , it was home." She also asked if I wanted to replace all my Microsoft Office software... I screwed up again and said I had those discs...
(They keep an eye on us, btw--She knew everything I ever got from them)
I never had to use it because when I called them to get the software I was actually in the process of restoration and had become SO frustrated that I was saying "to hell with" trying to "insert" (this is theoretically, lol) my wife's Dell discs into my HP machine...if you catch my drift...lol
ANYWAY, by the time the software arrived I had (theoretically) made her crap work in my machine, so this software is fresh as a daisy, including the license.
"Zero2Cool" wrote: