I actually DO respect the fact that my smoke causes harm to others and act accordingly (Exception being when I light up accidentally, and it is accidental)
I haven't seen any incidences that are otherwise in recent memory.
In places where smoking is allowed, if the guy/gal next to me isn't smoking (say, a bar that allows smoking) I will ask the person or person(s) around me if they mind if I smoke.
Here-now--those places are few and far between, as I have previously noted.
They know where they are, believe me.
Now they are adding--in one fell swoop, an additional $1.45 per pack tax to assist in the deficit in PA.
It is another sin tax.
Just wait until the Marxists decide that one of your sacred cows is deemed restriction/tax-worthy.
Hell of a country we got going these days. What the hell, don't matter much, at least we got a cyber-Czar now to fix our problems. Speaking of Czars and Marxists, the good news is that the Russian Communists think things are going along beautifully here in the U.S. The marxism they dig on is going much better than they anticipated...It is almost Pavlovian in nature. Bitch is they also see what I see...WWIII.
May not be able to smoke, but I might get to see the exchange in the near future, which is kind of cool.
Pravda says WWIII imminent If you are sitting in Lambeau, and these guys are sitting out in the Fox river and see this, I say it's OK to light up a cig while you watch. Gonna take a shit load of carbon credits to pay for that one...