It still should be up to the individual businesses.
If a place WANTS to go smoke free, more power to them.
The casino in Milwaukee has smoking and nonsmoking areas, so it caters to both sides. And LOTS of people smoke in there.
Like i said, it should be up to the business owners, not the government.
If it's supposedly health issues, then we might as well go back to prohibition. Alcohol related illness and people killed or maimed by drunk drivers should make them make drinking illegal.
Oh.........and they should outlaw any junk food. No more Twinkies, or McDonald's or any junk food. After all, how many people die each year because they are over weight and have high blood pressure and heart disease. Parents that let their kids eat that stuff should be put in jail for contributing to the delienquency of minors.
Take my word for it.....not so many years in the future, the government will put a special tax on all junk food, to try to "force" people to eat more healthy.
"Big Brother" gone amuck.