And as Pack93z has pointed out REPEATEDLY, (caps very intentional, due to hearing difficulties in evidence amongst the THers here)
THer== Ted Thompson hater for future reference
FA is far from over. Someone's loss might be our gain. Ted will be doing what he always does, and make the best decisions for the good of the Green Bay Packers. Some of those guys will probably not be on that list, and some that are not even a twinkle in any GBP fans's eye right now just might be on our roster in 2009.
Ironman had a legitimate discussion going on this in another thread.
Naturally, it was largely ignored, too busy sniffing Brett's crotch and hating on Ted going on... vice-versa granted.
Sorry he doesn't get you more high Madden value fantasy players or whatever you gamers/FFPL dudes/gals are seeking.