Sorry about putting you north of Pittsburgh, I know you are pretty much due east. It was a "I'm too lazy while making this map" kind of thing.
+1 back at you for all the crap you have to take.
I have to listen to all them Steeler fans. Then I also get to listen to all those Eagle fans. Then I get to listen to the Steeler fans fighting with the Eagle fans. This will, of course, cause the Ravens fans to pipe in, which naturally brings in the Jets fans, which in turn infuriates the Giants fans (Token shoutout to the 6 NE Patriots fans [uncircled on map- they are originally from El Salvadore so I no habla their smack-talk] One Cleveland Brown fan (Also a pro bookie---real nice guy and loyal) One Bear fan (Remember him- he sits in corner--banned from all smack-talk conversation)
And the friggin' Redskin fans-- serious smack exchanged with yours truly--all pretty good fellas, I must admit.
One Dolphin fan. He is also gay. (Not that there is anything wrong with that, but in redneck land the team colors have drawn commentary from various...well, rednecks.)
Zero Vikes fans. They are actually very rare along the megalopolis, at least the mid-atlantic section, in my experience.
Two Chiefs fans. Resigned to their fate--see Browns fan.
And then there are the "imports" Mostly Jets/Giants fans--- changing on a weekly basis... Usually in town for something work related...These are the ones that can create safety issues for all concerned, dependent largely upon how much they have been putting away, coupled with how much I have been putting away, along with all the regulars from opposing teams---call them the equivalent of an internet troll with the possibility of actually getting a yuengling bottle square upside the head. See redneck references.
Many, many many Packer plan b fans. These are the ones that switch allegiances once their team tanks and/or pisses them off. Many of both the Eagle and Steeler fans do this, because there is NO WAY that they can switch to each other's team...except the half that do, and usually trying to do so incognito, which never, ever works.
Then there are the non-committed. This is the interesting group for any Wisconsin reader.
The percentage of those that are casual Packer fans way the hell out here in PA would amaze. These are my potential recruits, and after about a 12 pack, I actively recruit (or so I have been told, lol)
And of course you have the Cowboy fans. They stay the f##k away from Dfosterf when he is sober, much less when putting them away. :thumbleft:
There are a lot of them, and they are a very quiet bunch, let me tell you. They get taunted, ridiculed, sworn at...you name it. Why? some might ask.
See all of above previously mentioned fans. Every single one of them are chomping at the bit to start something with those Cowgirl a##-holes.
The cheer when the 'boys get scored on/lose is universal. They are not authorized to cheer when they score, with very few exceptions, and NEVER beyond a 1 PM game. Alcohol consumption issues.
This is what it is like living in the transportation hub for the Eastern Seaboard, with so many teams in such reasonably close proximity, coupled with the in-between nature of the Iggle/Steeler rivalry.
(The bear fan has to stay in his corner because he is too passionate and no one gives a shit here. :thumbleft: )
I can't draw a map of this scene, but it quite closely approximates the bar scene in that Star Wars flick, except you have to put jerseys on everyone.
The Jurassic Park Velociraptor cage also catches some of the ambience.
I know I have commented upon this a bit before, but I just wanted to hopefully cheer you up a tad by giving a more complete flick of the whole deal.
Did I mention that bar cues are readily available? This is an "upscale" joint, but it IS in central Pennsylvania, lol. :thumbleft:
So, there is my long version of the map description.