Alan - You have mentioned many times the physical rehab that you are going through.
What about your mind?
There are many reasons for degradation of mental abilities, among them are age, stress, diet, etc.
Its important to challenge, stimulate and effectively exercise our minds to stay mentally sharp as our brains age.
Our minds consist of five main cognitive functions:
visual-spatial skills
executive function
Perhaps you might look into some mental exercises. Try some new things to challenge your mind.
I know that several years ago, I was noticing that my thought processes were not as sharp as they used to be. So now I do some exercises for the mind, and I have noticed an improvement.
(Alright, no smart ass comments from the rest of you cheeseheads on that one!)
Alan, use your computer and do some research. Also check with your physician.
As to the voodoo doll that David mentioned, I'm working on that one.............I'm gonna turn cheesey into a Vikings fan!
That will boost his cognitive level by a factor of 10 at least! ::razz:
"vikesrule" wrote: