An NFL Career is realistically very short.
Do not blame the player.... Blame the agent.
Then after one blames the agent, blame the society, the market place, the economy, then the reality of the mortgage scam, then the government, then society again, then ask yourself a very simple question.
Have you NEVER NOT taken a better financial opportunity when it was presented to you?
My guess is NO in 88,5 % of the opportunities.
It is the Micro Economic Love Story called "Supply and Demand."
It made this country great, it promotes and rewards success.
It does not matter if it is a sofa, a garage door opener, a freaking new mouse trap, or a player in the NFL.
I have no bitch or complaint with anyone who is taking what the market will give them.... Especially Professional Football players who have a professional life expectancy of perhaps 4.5 years.
God knows most of them did not get a real education with that free ride in college.
""People Will Probably Never Remember What You Said, And May Never Remember What You Did. However, People Will Always Remember How You Made Them Feel."