Now.......i was SUPPOSED to play "Wolverine" in the upcoming movie.........but I got screwed out of the part.
I worked out SO much for that movie.......did GREAT in the screen test. But I'm not a "big name" star.

Guess it just didn't catch on........
"wpr" wrote:
What I heard was that you won the part but do to your heart, they were forced to cast someone of lesser talent.
"Cheesey" wrote:
Well.....truth see my hands in the picture?
I never really had heart surgery.........ya see, i had this itch on my chest, and i forgot i had the darn "wolverine" claws on.............i was too embarrassed to tell everyone that, so i made up the whole "heart surgery" thing to cover up my being a klutz. I even paid Trippster to come to the hospital to take the pic of me and him together, to keep the coverup going.
:thumbleft: :thumbleft: :thumbleft: LOLOLOL!!!!