So....what I’m saying is “bad”, or wrong?
I shouldn’t expect people that choose to commit crimes and choose to resist arrest to be held accountable for their own actions?
I don’t ask more of others then I would ask of myself.
NOTHING will change until people start holding themselves and their family members responsible for their own actions.
Skin color has NOTHING to do with what’s happening.
And to pretend it does is truly having their collective heads up their asses.
If I’m expected to ignore reality in order to appease them, it’s not going to happen.
Originally Posted by: Cheesey
I'm not saying it's bad or wrong nessarily (and don't mean to be targeting you specifically, this is the.larger population not the groups), but quite literally both sides are only seeing hate and seeing each other for their worst parts of their groups, refusing to listen and they're saying the same shits...
Both sides are saying they need to speak up because these horrible actions can no longer repeat, and "NOTHING will change until people start holding themselves and their family members responsible for their own actions."
Basically this is one giant pissing contest, until both sides stop pissing and actually listen, absolutely nothing is going to get done... Just going to have more pissing.
The more people beat their chest and continue to piss, the longer it's going to drag out.... and yet the people beating their chest are saying they're doing it to stop it, but in reality, it's having the complete opposite effect.
Basically the more macho one side tries to play things, the other side will try to be just as macho.if not more... until both sides stop trying to be macho, nothing is gonna get done.
Basically we need a leader whom isn't going to be.macho his way through it, or it's not gonna stop.