That's not fair. There a lot of NFL players who have great standards. Just because it doesn't get driven into our faces every hour by media, social media and whatever else does not mean they do not exist. I have tried numerous times posting such things and it goes to the crickets. Something negative gets posted and it blows up. What can ya do?
Originally Posted by: Zero2Cool
You are right about mostly negative things get online.
I wasn’t trying to be unfair.
With the whole BLM crowd, I was trying to make the point that how far from what we HAVE seen the statement this particular player is from the rest of the NFL.
It’s been pretty much lock step with the entire NFL, ignoring the facts of all the cases.
Even the main one that starts it all (Floyd) they ignore the fact that he committed a crime and that was why the cops were called. And then he resisted arrest, causing it to escalate.
Had he not committed a crime, police wouldn’t be there. He’s alive.
Had he not resisted arrest, he’s alive.
Had the NFL bothered to look into each case before jumping on the racism bandwagon, maybe things would be better.
Committing crimes and resisting arrest can get anyone, regardless of skin color, seriously injured or killed.
How about the NFL putting that in every end zone?