During the "chat" yesterday, a number of us mentioned that we found the defensive squads "group celebrations" on turnovers a bit "over-the-top".
I am not totally changing my option, and I kind of like the fact that it is a group thing...and that they are having fun. I don't think we should underestimate how important it is for player to have fun and enjoy their successes....especially when they are playing in Green Bay.
My problem with the extent and duration of the celebrations, is that they border (if not, they go over the border) of poor sportsmanship. Perhaps I am being a bit of a windsock here, but if it were possible, I would like them to do their thing in front of their teammates, ideally on the bench, not run to the end- zone.
I guess defining too much celebration is like defining obscenity, I can't put it into words, but I know it when I see it....and I am seeing it.
To be perfectly frank, its more important to me that they are doing great and anything they can do to keep that going would be great.
In Luce tua Videmus Lucem KRK