6 years ago
Clay’s RTP penalties this and last week were 100% BS.

But, Clay has brought some of this on himself. The last few years 4-5-6X each he would launch himself late at the QB stretch his arms out like he’s trying to avoid a hit and give the QB a nice chest bump. This has a purpose to remind the QB to hear steps; but it is/was excessive. This is exactly what Clay did Week 1. No doubt this was discussed, made a point of emphasis and these zebras have just been waiting to do Clay in.

The thing ya got to realize is a normal person will never make it as an NFL ref. To be one you must have self-esteem issues that manifest as a narcissistic self-aggrandizing sociopathy. A ref should have no more impact on a game than a yard marker or a goal post; but to fill their self-esteem void they need to try to affect the game. Affecting the game with a bad call, especially if it’s critical to the game’s outcome gives these lunatics a sense of purpose, a sense of being important, a sense of accomplishment.

In life when a narcissistic self-aggrandizing sociopathy with esteem issues gets in your path; the best thing to do is avoid them and NEVER try to retaliate. Ya take their punch, say thanks and quietly blend into the walls. Unless you have the resources to smash them. 😂.

Clay’s interview and McCarthy’s sideline tantrums and statements that Clay did nothing wrong INSPIRES these lunatics to get you next week. If they want it to stop they just need to STFU.

Now if cant STFU; them maybe Buckeye has a point; go get your money's worth. Let the league know you're prepared to take out 1 starting QB per week.
6 years ago
True....if you are going to get penalized for BS like that, might as well make it worth it.
I wish MM would just blast the NFL and the refs during his press conference.
6 years ago

True....if you are going to get penalized for BS like that, might as well make it worth it.
I wish Mike McCarthy would just blast the NFL and the refs during his press conference.

Originally Posted by: Cheesey 

Me too. Although, I fear if he does that, then Packers are gonna be targeted and used as examples.
6 years ago

Me too. Although, I fear if he does that, then Packers are gonna be targeted and used as examples.

Originally Posted by: Zero2Cool 

The dirty rotten bastards that they are!!!

6 years ago
Clay Matthews said, "I even went up to Alex Smith after the game and asked him 'what do you think? What could I do differently?' He goes 'that's a football play,' I never heard of anybody tackling someone without any hands. When he gives himself up, your bodyweight is going to go on him."

No flag.