Well, I didn't mean to dog Zero's Fast and Furious. If you guys like it, more power to you. I just meant that it's not my thing. I'm not dogging it by any means.
So here are two movies I liked that I seen recently.
Miracle at St Anna - A Spike Lee movie. No, I'm no fan of Spike Lee by any means. I think his movies generally are too preachy and overrated. But this one was an exception. It has preachy moments but they're actually warranted in this one.
What was good about it...Characters were well done. You didn't have the clear protagonist, and all the characters, good and bad, were well-developed.
Scenery was splendid. Italian countryside.
That one Italian actress was hot. And we got to see a lot of her. Extra bonus.
I gave it a 9 out of 10. Rotten Tomatoes hated it but they suck and have bad taste. Go see this one, it's pretty good.
Traitor - Don Shealde steals the show in this one. It's about a guy infiltrating a terrorist organization (Shealde) and keeps you guessing if he's crossed the line and actually become a terrorist or if he's still loyal to us. Characters developed well, and you actually end up liking one of the terrorists and wish he'd see the light. Plus, you'll also see that not everything we do on our end is good.
Has some good tricks and it's a movie that I wasn't able to predict. I usually sit through movies and drive everyone else nuts because I'll tell you what will happen ahead of time and I'm 99% of the time right. Well, I was about 50% right in this one.
I've also seen a lot of pretty bad movies but I won't waste words on them. These were 2 movies that recently became available for rental that were good.
My man Donald Driver
(thanks to Pack93z for the pic)
2010 will be seen as the beginning of the new Packers dynasty. 🇹🇹 🇲🇲 🇦🇷