7 years ago

Fox News is the ONLY news that tells BOTH sides.

Originally Posted by: Cheesey 

Now THIS is hilarious. And sad. I'm fine with anyone ripping all major media (CNN, Fox, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, et al.), but don't act like Fox News isn't just as bad or worse than any others. All of the entities have one purpose: to maximize ratings to maximize profit. Objectively reporting news or facts doesn't necessarily coincide with that purpose at all. It's mostly entertainment. Fox News is nothing but a horrible propaganda machine for the Right, albeit it a very profitable one, with ratings that exceed most the other major networks combined. Yet they still play the "mainstream" crybaby card all the time. I often can't decide who is more whiny: liberals or conservatives. They are both incredibly whiny and petulant.

The only thing worse than a Republican or a Democrat is a staunch partisan. Two shitty sides of the same shitty coin.

7 years ago
Funny thing is, I don't watch Hanity and rarely watch Fox News. Usually I watch the local news.
I make up my own mind. I don't need someone to tell me how, or what to think or believe.
Unlike some.
But I guess it's easier to lump me in with a group you already hate then to actually read what I say.
  • Barfarn
  • Senior Member Topic Starter
7 years ago

It's say how Trump broke the rules , and Obama didn't......except of course when he shoved "Obama care" down the throats of Americans, without going through the channels he was SUPPOSED to by LAW.
You are a conservative? REALLY???
Sure wouldn't know it by the way you write.
I guess Obama and Bill and Hillary must be conservative republicans too.
And as far as your constant ripping of Fox News. I find that hilarious! Liberals ALWAYS fall on that sword! Blame Fox News for DARING to point out the liberal media's agenda. Fox News is the ONLY news that tells BOTH sides.
I guess anyone that dares to point out the liberal bias is a horrible organization in your view.
It's ok though....If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, chances are it's a duck (or liberal).

Originally Posted by: Cheesey 

You saw babies writhing by an Assad gas attack, but no children maimed or writhing after a US coalition bombing run in Syria, Iraq or Yeman in the past month. This is done not to inform; but to shape what you think!

The media positively spun the Syrian strike, this is why you liked it. If they focused on the truth of the attack, and the obvious result, no one would have praised the strike.

What you are thinking is 100% contrived by a dishonest media [Not all Fox]. We are being manipulated!

Roger Ailes was the first to institute this brainwashing technique in the media; now all corporate media does it, Fox is just the first and worst. Ailes wrote a 300 page thesis for Nixon to use propaganda to show the administration in the best light. The basic premise of this idea was that Americans are lazy and want to be told what to think and in ’96 he and Murdoch started Fox.

The days of a calming trusted Walter Kronkite delivering the facts are over. The first goal of any broadcast is to illicit anger in the audience, this releases dopamine and this subtly causes a literal addiction. This is why there is so much yelling and screaming during Fox “news” shows. They will also bring on fake experts or shills purported to give opposing views. The opposing view often takes outrageous positions to rile up the dopamine; then they all start screaming at each other.

Let’s look at Black Lives Matter, since that was mentioned in this thread. Now I just googled: “black lives matter fox [without quotes].”I thought to myself, what dumbass suburban white idiot could possibly think he understands BLM as negative. I thought only a Fox “News” watcher could be so opinionated and so wrong at the same time. And there it is. In the second entry: There were several coordinated PEACEFUL protests in July last year and Fox News wrote: “Black Lives Matter protesters laid siege to a number of cities over the weekend.”

Patriotic Americans expressing their constitutional right over consistent and despicable harm and Fox news is selling this to the lazy suburban white alt-right luvin’ dumbass as “laying siege.” Then we have: “Black Lives Matter offshoot embraces anti-Semitism;” “Former Chicago top cop blames Black Lives Matter for surge in violence [LOL, the facts are out on what happens to Blacks at the hands of CPD and I have some very personal stories from Chicago too, I mean WTF];” “[Huff post said] “Fox News Suggests Black Lives Matter Is A 'Murder' Movement;” “'Black Lives Matter is a Hate Group!: Fox News Panel on Police.” And look at this entry, “Fox Panel Gets Heated Over Black Lives Matter Protest.” There’s Fox getting that dopamine flowing!

And looky there, there’s the expert shill, “best-selling author and Christian pastor Bishop Wellington Boone directly challenged the Black Lives Matter movement, saying African Americans, rather than police officers, are to blame for violence in their communities.” Well the Black guy said BLM is stupid, there ya have it, balance, NOT! Boone is not a bad guy and his book makes some very good points about Black on Black Violence. He’s not saying there is anything wrong with BLM, he just doesn’t want it to take away from fixing the bigger problem of BBV. Fox’s juxtaposition is ridiculous, BBV and BLM are 2 independent problems and Boone only titles his book to take advantage of a current hot topic [BLM] and Uncle Tom’ed himself to Fox to sell books.

This is the entire first page of the said google search, all negative, not one positive comment, not a single expression that it might be a problem. Anyone who watches and accepts Fox “news” is going to think BLM is crap, because they only get one negative side. Fox is not giving you an honest debate from both sides; everything they do is designed to shape your opinion AGAINST BLM and part of that is to dupe you into thinking a guy like Boone knows the truth of BLM because he’s Black. And no doubt they cited some bogus studies funded by the [Robert] Mercers [the racist KKK billionaire fucks that feel White supremacy is so okay they don’t even hide their faces under white hoods], who created Breitbart News.

Here’s an example of Fox’s support of Muslimaphobia and Xenophobia. Trump supposedly after listening to a Fox news report spoke of a Swiss terrorist attack. Fox immediately rebutted Trump’s idiocy. Then a few weeks later O’Reilly has a guy, Nils Bildt, on his show posing as a “Swedish defense and national security advisor” and he spoke of the chaos Muslim refugees are having on Switzerland. Oh they retract to give you a feeling of balance and then try to dupe you with a fake nation security advisor. When Conway spoke of the Bowling green massacre, Fox said Conway misspoke; but she did it numerous times and the explanation was not logical. It wasn’t misspeak, it is Fox protecting President Bannon’s White Supremacist xenophobic Muslimophobic agenda. Trump invents fake Swiss attack, Conway fake Bowling Green attack and Spicer Fake Muslim attack in Atlanta. These are not mistakes; it is a propaganda effort taken right from Goebbals playbook designed to confuse, create fear and hate of Muslims. And Fox is doing NOTHING to expose this propaganda and is taking steps to assist it.

I’d like to see BLM or a Muslim sue Fox news arguing they have no 1st amendment protections as established by NYTs v. Sullivan and its progeny. The Press has freedom and defamation protections because they are essential to our democracy in informing the public and that the debate be robust and not stifled. But, Fox “news” is not in anyway trying to create debate or inform; they're peddling propaganda.

I've only discussed a few narrowly defined issues; what I believe cannot be contained in a little box or be defined by what we've discussed. I'm no fan of Obama; I just pointed out his political sanctions resulted in Assad from using of gas for 4 years, didn't really say it was right or wrong. 35% of Americans do not know that Obama Care and the Affordable Care Act are the same thing...this is how good our media coverage is. Obama Care is a disaster; but its a start. We are the ONLY nation that allows private moneychanging thieves to rape profits from the available coin available for providing healthcare to all. This has to change and it will change; if not by congress refusing the medical lobby's payoffs, then by protest. When the protest becomes or threatens violence everyone will have healthcare.
  • Barfarn
  • Senior Member Topic Starter
7 years ago

Funny thing is, I don't watch Hanity and rarely watch Fox News. Usually I watch the local news.
I make up my own mind. I don't need someone to tell me how, or what to think or believe.
Unlike some.
But I guess it's easier to lump me in with a group you already hate then to actually read what I say.

Originally Posted by: Cheesey 

If you only watch/read local news; you do not have the tools to make up your own mind on 95% of issues. All major media is part of larger conglomerates and the media outlets they control work like a Microsoft newsletter reporting on what Microsoft is doing or like Vic reporting 1265's news.

Plus, as Musscy says, their other goal is profits. So if certain news harms a major advertiser; it will not be reported or it'll be twisted so as not to torque off the advertiser. Big oil, affiliates of the military industrial complex, the Koch's, etc. provide an overwhelming % of add dollars spent. Unless you go to media independent of this force, you will NEVER get enough facts to be able form a legitimate opinion about, for example, the Syrian Strike.

Do you know what Crosscheck did in your State? How about the ramifications over legislation last week that ended net neutrality? Your corporate media will not even talk of these issues, unless it is to trick you into there being no harm.
7 years ago

you do not have the tools to make up your own mind on 95% of issues.

Originally Posted by: Barfarn 

Speak for yourself 😝 😝 😝

I go out of my way to watch media of the opposing perspective, CNN most often. And every day, doing so makes me more and more confident that what I believe is correct.
The world needs ditch diggers too Danny!!!
  • Barfarn
  • Senior Member Topic Starter
7 years ago

Speak for yourself 😝 😝 😝

I go out of my way to watch media of the opposing perspective, CNN most often. And every day, doing so makes me more and more confident that what I believe is correct.

Originally Posted by: PackFanWithTwins 

CNN? OMFG! McGinn, MSNBC and CNN are right behind Fox is scumness.

You thought civilians were killed on the Shayrat base! So you had that 100% wrong.

How many of he 59 missiles hit their target?
7 years ago
Barfarn .I keep seeing where you rail on us for where we get our information.
Let me ask you....were YOU in Seria and actually seen who or what was hurt by the chemical attack, or the result of Trump's bombing of the air strip?
If not, then you are basing your opinions totally on what others are telling you happened.
And I bet those are people that have the same belief as you do, slanting it the same way you want.
You are trusting that THEY are telling you the facts.
So you are blindly following/believing other people.
You know, like you are saying we do.
  • Barfarn
  • Senior Member Topic Starter
7 years ago

Barfarn .I keep seeing where you rail on us for where we get our information.
Let me ask you....were YOU in Seria and actually seen who or what was hurt by the chemical attack, or the result of Trump's bombing of the air strip?
If not, then you are basing your opinions totally on what others are telling you happened.
And I bet those are people that have the same belief as you do, slanting it the same way you want.
You are trusting that THEY are telling you the facts.
So you are blindly following/believing other people.
You know, like you are saying we do.

Originally Posted by: Cheesey 

That's a great question Cheesey.

It is really really hard. One of my trusted journalistic idols is Amy Goodman. But a few weeks ago McCain said something about the Trump Russian investigation that sounded like he knew Trump committed treason. Then he caught himself and said something like, that's not what we necessarily have in Trump's case. Goodman played the clip and she edited out the last part leaving her listeners to think McCain knew Trump committed treason. It could have been an over zealous producer; but the point is you gotta watch everyone.

I began this post calling Trump a Cheetoh, I did this for 2 reasons: (1) I hate the piece of shit LOL; and (2) I wanted you to know I think he's a piece of shit. A real propagandists would sing the praises of Trump, ten subtlety throw in that he, for example, committed treason. I want all to see my bias and weigh it into my writing.

Bias is a heinous thing! One can have a 100% true motive and heart and still mislead because it affects how our brain receives info. If today I'm advised of 5 things Trump did right and 5 things wrong; I'm likely to list the 5 things he did wrong in a writing tomorrow. Not because I'm being a shady propagandist, it is because that is all I remember. My brain just didn't retain his good stuff. Being aware of your own biases and being diligent to over compensate is the key.

So to answer your question; it works like this. If Syria says 9 civilians died, then I can assume the fact that no more than 9 died. If the US said 6 died. Then I'm certain between 6 and 9 died. IF an independent organization said 9 died or the UN chastises the US for killing 9 civilians; then it could be still wrong, but at some point ya gotta believe something. You have to listen to "independent media" or independent sources to get balance. But you cant follow anyone blindly because sometimes independent news or organizations have agendas too; or they could just be sincerely mistaken.

Now here's proof Trump is a piece of shit. Listen to THIS CLIP  at 27:15 of an interview yesterday with Fox's Maria Barteleselloutbitchaloma, who had prepared scripted questions to the prepared and rehearsed Trump. Listen to him describe in detail the chocolate cake he was eating when the missiles were launched at "Iraq" [DUHHH, Mr. President, those missiles were launched at Syria]. How can he not have 100% efficient recall of the name of the country he just freakin' bombed, but damn he sure knows that chocolate cake, creepy? And at 24:23, on Korea he says, "you never know [what we're gonna do]" he said he doesn't talk about the military like Obama, then he talked about it...LOL, saying among other things that submarines "more powerful than the aircraft carriers" are being sent to Korea. The deployed locations of our Seawolf class subs are CLASSIFIED, Trump is literally insane. We have an insane, uneducated, creepy old man, childish, emotionally stunted, classless, horror of a human being with no impulse control having access to the launch codes.
7 years ago
almost a week out and still no evidence shown of civilians killed or collateral damage from the 1 missile that reportedly had GPS issue and didn't find its desired Target. Only what Syrian "officials" have claimed. that pretty much shows it isn't true.
The world needs ditch diggers too Danny!!!
  • Barfarn
  • Senior Member Topic Starter
7 years ago

almost a week out and still no evidence shown of civilians killed or collateral damage from the 1 missile that reportedly had GPS issue and didn't find its desired Target. Only what Syrian "officials" have claimed. that pretty much shows it isn't true.

Originally Posted by: PackFanWithTwins 

You are on crack! EDUCATE YOURSELF! The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, among others, a UK based organization praised by UN as being accurate has confirmed that civilian deaths occurred now it 2 places. The only criticism ever levied against this organization is that they are anti-assad. They'd love to declare Assad's casualty numbers at bogus.

It is becoming clear the US strike was an EPIC FAILURE!!! This is bad for business for US networks and their sponsors, so they will NOT report this.

Veterans Today reports 34 of 59 Missiles were shot down or missed targets [They got their info from the Syrian Government, have operated with an anti-Isreal an agenda and they seem to have a hard time saying anything positive about the US military].

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, only 23 of the 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles launched from US Navy destroyers made it to their targets. They were mocking saying it was like dropping bombs from balloons. Russians usually dont mock when they are making stuff up; but th russians are mad at us now, so this cant be ipso facto trusted.

The day after the attack the Pentagon said 1 missile missed. And correspondingly, there were civilian casualties confirmed in Shayrat village.

Yesterday, Trump said all 59 hit their intended target and today the Pentagon revised its report stating that 2 of the 59 missed their targets. Interestingly, it was also confirmed yesterday that civilian casualties occurred also at Al-Hamrat.

Within an hour of the strike the Pentagon knew exactly how much damage was done and how many missiles hit their targets. So why is Trump lying and the pentagon changing their success rate? Their credibility must be questioned.

According to Pentagon images they hit 15 aircraft shelters, 10 munitions pods, 7 fuel storage tanks, 5 defense/radar positions, 2 workshops; and 5 workshops that "appeared to be hit." The 5 workshops were not hit; if a 1K Tomahawk hit these there'd be no doubt. Also, this adds up to no where near 57 strikes.

We know the base was operational within hours. Video of a drone fly over and the sat pics showing before and after by Pentagon do not show 59 cruise missiles worth the damage. No where near!

There should be is no doubt in anyone's mind; The Russian and Syrian narratives are much closer to reality than the Pentagon's.

This is another embarrassing military showing and Russia is quite confident that can kick our ass, if they can disable our Tomahawks. If Russia installed full defensive capability at Shayrat we might have missed 59 of 59!!!
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