7 years ago
Again....I guess according to some, we are supposed to just ignore the evil people, and they will just go away.
And Russia? Are they really the ones to respect? They are ones that want to attack anyone they feel like attacking. You really want to side with a country like that?
They attack to take over.
We do to liberate the downtrodden. To help those that can't protect themselves.
"Mr. Cheeto" should just become a liberal, and do nothing but beat his chest and denounce the scum bags that did the chemical attacks....not actually DO something about it.
And you can bet the chemical attack was just a first attack, to see if anyone actually had the balls to do something about it.
Ignore it, and see how big the next attack would be.
7 years ago

And you can bet the chemical attack was just a first attack, to see if anyone actually had the balls to do something about it.
Ignore it, and see how big the next attack would be.

Originally Posted by: Cheesey 

Nobody can dispute the inhumane nature of the chemical attacks, but why is it America's duty to respond?

  • Barfarn
  • Senior Member Topic Starter
7 years ago

Again....I guess according to some, we are supposed to just ignore the evil people, and they will just go away.
And Russia? Are they really the ones to respect? They are ones that want to attack anyone they feel like attacking. You really want to side with a country like that?
They attack to take over.
We do to liberate the downtrodden. To help those that can't protect themselves.
"Mr. Cheeto" should just become a liberal, and do nothing but beat his chest and denounce the scum bags that did the chemical attacks....not actually DO something about it.
And you can bet the chemical attack was just a first attack, to see if anyone actually had the balls to do something about it.
Ignore it, and see how big the next attack would be.

Originally Posted by: Cheesey 

Epic logic failure! There are not 2 choices: Bomb ‘em or do nothing.

Obama didn’t strike militarily when Assad used chemical weapons in 2013; but to say he did nothing is just a denial of reality ridiculous. Again quite listening to that Fox news Shit. He went to congress as he was lawfully required to to decide is a military strike could be had. Then with the help of the UN all kinds of other political and economic sanctions were employed. Assad didnt use chemical weapons for 4 years.

Now Trump illegally [by US law] orders a unilateral strike; he flouts mandates of the UN. And instead of Syria waiting 4 years to use chemical weapons again they used them the very next day. THE VERY NEXT DAY! How's that working out? Trump is a hand puppet of some very short-sighted and stupid idiots!

And I'm not a liberal; I'm a true Republican conservative, a Goldwater Republican, ya know the ones that stopped a Democratic filibuster that was preventing the 1964 Civil rights Act from being passed. The one's that believe in limited government and balanced budgets; not just talking about it, while expanding government. The ones that believe that limited regulation is necessary to protect, oh let's say the ENVIRONMENT from greedy sociopathic corporate treasonous pigs. Most of those that call themselves Republicans or conservatives today are just seditious racist xenophobic 2-faced pieces of shit.

Majed Khattab of Khan Seikhoun said, “the American strike did nothing for us. They can still commit massacres at any time.”

American citizens are in more peril because of that strike. Maybe it satiates some neanderthalic macho childish emotion. But real adults and leaders of state simply don't act like this.

In the Middle East we have NEVER combated evil. Occasionally our oil interests coincided with doing in a bad guy; but mostly those we have installed or protected as dictators have been dictators that flout democracy and harm their People. We've done A LOT more evil than good in the Middle East. We have liberated no one; and have deprived many Middle East's Peoples of the opportunity for democracy. One example of this was our CIA's overthrow of a great man, Mossadegh, and we installed a murderous vile thug, "the Shah," in his place. Why? So Standard and Shell Oils cold have larger profits.

PS: Oh and it is off topic; but since there are only 2 kinds of people, racists redneck bigots and those that protest it, I'll only say, Black lives do matter...just more to some than others.
7 years ago
The lack of Barfarn understanding is really mindboggling.

The world needs ditch diggers too Danny!!!
  • Barfarn
  • Senior Member Topic Starter
7 years ago

The lack of Barfarn understanding is really mindboggling.

Originally Posted by: PackFanWithTwins 

Figures...LOL. Don’t be a servile sycophant lemming. WAKE-UP! You’re being manipulated and you can identify this by being unable to articulate cogent support for what you say. Think beyond the sound bite.

Trump is now the 7th consecutive President to launch a formal military strike in the Middle east. How has that worked? Over these 7 presidencies terrorists have morphed from individuals or unconnected handfuls; to networking cells; to ISIS or ISIL. It is shocking to me that thousands can get together, put “amour” and mount guns on normal vehicles and then physically invade a large city like an invading army. They overpower the police and any military presence and have the ability to RESIST formal military response by a country with a decent military. While the government military is assaulting them with tanks and planes they take more territory and more cities. Even with Russia’s physical military insertion and US intelligence it takes WEEKS/MONTHS to clear this military force from a city or an area.

How is this possible? What will terrorists look like in 20-30 years? Can 2-5-10,000 individuals gather in US and invade Manhattan Island or a city like Green Bay after over powering police and resisting a conventional invasion by our military? Will millions of disfranchised minorities join the fight after years of mistreatment by the likes of Jeffery Beauregard Sessions [The name, the guy is a caricature of pure old style KKK southern racism]. Syria’s army, maybe #20-25 in the world, could not defeat ISIS and if no one came to help Syria a terrorist group would have a country.

Consistent and despicable US military and political interferences in the the Middle East is the single greatest recruiting tool for ISIS and is the sole reason why we no longer have the World Trade Center. If we STOP our interference today in 10-20-30 years, the justification for terrorists attack on US targets will wain. If we maintain present path of behavior it is just a matter a time and opportunity until groups like ISIS launch maybe 1-2-10 attacks per year on American cities.
7 years ago
Lemming? look in the mirror. You are blindly believing a report from the Syrian government on civilian and child casualties. Ask yourself, what were civilians and children doing on the airbase when we gave them a heads up about the attack? Only two possible answers, the report is false, or they were there for the sole purpose of being killed if not already dead.

You ask how can it take this long to clear a city/region. Because we can't just go blasting through because people will cry if we do, and ISIS is a bunch of cowards who hide behind woman and children. We send our soldiers into situations with 1 hand and some times a leg tied behind their backs.

I agree if we maintain our recent path groups like ISIS are going to keep growing in strength, because we really haven't been trying to stop them. We need to take the fight to them, knock them back into their caves and keep hitting them until they are so weak they have nothing.
The world needs ditch diggers too Danny!!!
  • Barfarn
  • Senior Member Topic Starter
7 years ago
The info of deaths due to the strike isn't coming from Syria. It is coming from NUMEROUS independent news sources; but you wont find such reality on Fox News. Why are you trying to misrepresent truth, shame on you for trying to convince people on something you know is 100% untrue.

And really? More of its either this or that epic logic failure bullshit, when other possibilities exist. The children were not killed on the base! Again an expert like you should possess a less narrow and myopic views to support you Fox News opinionated opinions. But even still, children come and go from every base of all types of every country every day. But, since everyone knew the strike was coming, its doubtful any kids were on the base during the strike. Before I explain to you what occurred, try to process this, try not to be so fucking heartless, have some empathy for what these people are going thru.

You, like so many other Americans are just so naive. You need to open up your mind. When you see an interview of a person in a Syrian town, look at the background. Not a single building is intact. Now close your mind and imagine reality of an innocent Syrian living amongst those buildings. When they were intact to the condition they're in. 470,000 Syrians are DEAD...DEAD most because of shelling, bombings and fires happening day after day. A building explodes 6 around you are dead; you get your bearings grab your kids that are alive covered in dust and blood and you move with an explosion to the left and the right. If you survive the night it happens again 2-3-4 days later. Every night you fear. You constantly hear the sound of ordinates and you wonder, is this one hitting us? You have to understand the mayhem, there is no neat compartmentalized order like Fox News portrays. And Brian Williams saying how beautiful the missiles are, what a tool. I'd love for that fuck to have been at the other end of the launch and then let him explain how beautiful it is. He's talking like a guy with a paper asshole because this is what dumbass soft clueless Americans soak up, tucking in their children in bed in their cushy suburban homes 100% oblivious and they don't care about the mayhem death and maiming they are causing by not holding their government accountable for MURDER.

The truth is unclear: the Pentagon said only 1 Tomahawk missed; some reports are saying up to 30 missed. Trump's 1st military act was an epic failure. This second attack was either a legendary failure or a super epic failure. Now if 30 missiles missed, it means the Russians have the tech to hack or disable the guidance system of the missiles. Syria is saying a stray Tomahawk killed the children. If only 1 went haywire, this is probably not true. If 30 missed, then its very possible.

I expect the children died when Syrian and Russian anti aircraft ordinates filled the sky to try to knock out the Tomahawks; the countless pieces of debris and misfires have to land somewhere. Of course, this is anticipated collateral damage that is expected by one with a clue. So either Mattis, who calls himself Maddog w/held this info from Trump or Trump said, "meh, what'sa few more collateral dead Syrian civilians, let's bomb'em [as he turned to mirror to practice his upset with the poor little children of God being gassed, children he wont allow to emigrate to US]." I haven't seen Trump that upset since he fired Gilbert Godfried from The Apprentice, the two-faced cheetoh murderous treasonous loser.
7 years ago
It's say how Trump broke the rules , and Obama didn't......except of course when he shoved "Obama care" down the throats of Americans, without going through the channels he was SUPPOSED to by LAW.
You are a conservative? REALLY???
Sure wouldn't know it by the way you write.
I guess Obama and Bill and Hillary must be conservative republicans too.
And as far as your constant ripping of Fox News. I find that hilarious! Liberals ALWAYS fall on that sword! Blame Fox News for DARING to point out the liberal media's agenda. Fox News is the ONLY news that tells BOTH sides.
I guess anyone that dares to point out the liberal bias is a horrible organization in your view.
It's ok though....If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, chances are it's a duck (or liberal).
7 years ago

And as far as your constant ripping of Fox News. I find that hilarious! Liberals ALWAYS fall on that sword! Blame Fox News for DARING to point out the liberal media's agenda. Fox News is the ONLY news that tells BOTH sides.

Originally Posted by: Cheesey 

The Hannity brainwashing is apparently working. Try going to Reuters or possibly NPR if you want something that attempts to tell "both sides."
7 years ago
And Barfarn succeeds in proving my previous statement. I would say stick to packer debate but you are usually just as wrong in that topic as well.

Maybe Syria can report some packer news for you to believe.
The world needs ditch diggers too Danny!!!
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    Mucky Tundra (27-Jun) : @ochocinco Jayden Reed bitch, learn the fucking name now got damn casual fans 🧀
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    Martha Careful (19-Jun) : sad news tonight. Willie Mays passes away. He was the greatest of all time
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    buckeyepackfan (14-Jun) : Welcome to "The Dead Zone" may the only Packer News we hear is positive!!
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    jdlax (11-Jun) : Hahaha hellllllll no, Sunday is king! It's those Thursday night games that hurt
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    Zero2Cool (11-Jun) : That's also my oldests birthday
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    Zero2Cool (11-Jun) : Whoa. I read that so wrong before Jared lol
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