8 years ago
A lot depends on the arrangement the Packers have with him. If they have told him "you are our man when Ted retires" or words to that effect I can understand his desire but he has to ask himself which job do I really want and is the Packers job worth waiting for? If they are just stringing him along, refusing him to interview (last season) giving him promotions and raises to keep him in the fold "just in case" then I totally get why he would be a bit miffed.

I do not think the Packers have treated him unfairly although I do think the excuse that they were still in the playoffs last year was rather flimsy. Its not like he is a coordinator or something like that who really needs to focus on the coming game. He's an administrator, I'm sure nothing would suffer if he interviewed somewhere else.

Obviously I am not privy to what is going on behind the scenes and I do not have a clue as to what his abilities as a GM are (no one does really) so I am a little surprised by all the attention this is getting. As others have said if he wasn't Ron Wolf's son we wouldn't care.
8 years ago

Try to focus on the context here and ignore the whole "report" thing, can ya? Could ya? Will ya?

Originally Posted by: Zero2Cool 

I feel like this story is partly build on lies from the start. As there seems to be a lie in the following

According to Bob McGinn... Thompson refused the Lions permission to interview... because the Packers were still in the playoffs.

McGinn might of said that... but is it true? I strongly doubt it...

1) When possible, the Packers always refuse their division rivals to interview people under contract with the Packers... that's basic policy for most NFL teams... if I know, then everyone working for the Packers over five years should know it. And why should they break policy? ... to help the Lions? No.

2) Lions could easy get around the possible... teams don't need permission to interview people for the GM or HC role, IF they're willing to give that person final control of the 53 man roster... so it's a fairly easy policy to get around... and the Lions choose not to go around it. So how much interest did the Lions really have in Wolf?

3) The Packers (nor any other team) were in the playoffs when the Lions started their search for a GM in early November.

I can believe that Wolf was upset he couldn't interview with other teams... but it's hard for me to believe he's upset that he couldn't interview with a division rival as that's basic NFL policy. And that's why teams have agreed on that easy loophole... that if you're serious and show you're series by giving that people final say of the 53 man roster, then you can do it anyways. If they said any team that wasn't a division rival, I could believe this story a lot more... but I can't believe he's butt hurt over basic NFL policy.

Though for those that like wild theories... maybe there was another team that wanted to interview him that we didn't hear about it...
8 years ago
Wolf is doing nothing different than any of you would do if you were in his shoes. He hasn't gone out looking for other jobs, he hasn't asked to be given permission to look. Other teams called about him. How is that his fault other than being good at his job.

If you have ever asked for a raise or a promotion, that must mean you are an ungrateful prick.
The world needs ditch diggers too Danny!!!
8 years ago
First, Bob McSpinn, who now is employed by Gannett, must be doubly ignored.

Second, Wolf is under contract. The contact permits him to interview only for a promotion or a lateral job if he gets permission. If he didn't like it; then he shouldn't have signed it. If he truly is whining about 1265 holding him to his contract then he's just a big baby, too much so to be the GM of a great franchise. I dont think he is a baby and because of that I say McSpinn is a liar! And I bet Wolf is just rolling his eyes at what a divisive prick McSpinn is. What I wouldn't give to publish the notes McSpinnsuck has. He probably interviewed the friend of the wife of the nephew of the cousin of the mistress of the friend of Wolf's friend's paper boy, who was mad because he only got a $25 Christmas tip.

Third, I bet Ted is a better GM, because he went to Seattle. Wolf will be a better GM in GB, if he spends a few years elsewhere.

Fourth, Ted is one of, if not, the best and at the absolute top of his game and you dont change the jockey after he wins the Derby. Year after year Superbowl quality talented teams; now all he needs is for his HOF QB to play like it in the playoffs and he'll have a few more pelts before he retires. His progeny of McKenzie, Dorsey, Wolf, Guntekust, McCloughan and probably some guys we dont know about are all studs [Schneider has done nothing without McCloughan and Ted's draft board and as done some real stupid stuff, a parent cant be perfect].
uffda udfa
8 years ago

First, Bob McSpinn, who now is employed by Gannett, must be doubly ignored.

Second, Wolf is under contract. The contact permits him to interview only for a promotion or a lateral job if he gets permission. If he didn't like it; then he shouldn't have signed it. If he truly is whining about 1265 holding him to his contract then he's just a big baby, too much so to be the GM of a great franchise. I dont think he is a baby and because of that I say McSpinn is a liar! And I bet Wolf is just rolling his eyes at what a divisive prick McSpinn is. What I wouldn't give to publish the notes McSpinnsuck has. He probably interviewed the friend of the wife of the nephew of the cousin of the mistress of the friend of Wolf's friend's paper boy, who was mad because he only got a $25 Christmas tip.

Third, I bet Ted is a better GM, because he went to Seattle. Wolf will be a better GM in GB, if he spends a few years elsewhere.

Fourth, Ted is one of, if not, the best and at the absolute top of his game and you dont change the jockey after he wins the Derby. Year after year Superbowl quality talented teams; now all he needs is for his HOF QB to play like it in the playoffs and he'll have a few more pelts before he retires. His progeny of McKenzie, Dorsey, Wolf, Guntekust, McCloughan and probably some guys we dont know about are all studs [Schneider has done nothing without McCloughan and Ted's draft board and as done some real stupid stuff, a parent cant be perfect].

Originally Posted by: Barfarn 

Not sure I understand why you typed the highlighted portion? A GM gig IS A PROMOTION.

Bob McGinn is the BEST newspaper guy that covers the Packers and has been for years. He is unafraid to speak the truth. Almost all paper guys in Green Bay tiptoe around any warranted criticism but not ol' Bob...he tells it as he sees it. Couldn't respect him more for that. It's little wonder he's reviled on Packers forums everywhere. He doesn't give you a warm and fuzzy when you're done reading him like almost all the others and especially

Disagree that it's only Rodgers who dictates more SB's. In theory, if he played close to perfect you might be correct but it's very hard to carry a team with the defense ours has to the Lombardi. Ted has been taking cut after cut after cut at high defensive draft picks and our D is STILL terrible after years of this. I've said this before but Ted should be relegated to drafting offense and turn it over to someone else to draft defense.

Ted Thompson sits on his hands per former GM: "because they’ve had 25 fricking years of great quarterbacks. Of course it works. Try it without a special quarterback."

8 years ago

As I explained above, there is no logic reason to Eliot to be upset for not being allowed to interview with a division rival when
1) Most NFL team policy is to not allow division rivals to interview people you want to keep under contract
2) Teams have a very easy path around the permission to interview rule... simply offer them the right to control the final 53 roster
And since there is no logic reason for it... I don't believe it... unless there was a non-division team also asked for permission.

But one part of this story, I can believe.

his father, former Packers G.M. Ron Wolf “wasn’t pleased at all.”

I'm sure Ron Wolf knows all the rules and policies, but we're talking family here... he probably wants what success for his son over any policies... and probably wants to see him be a successful GM before he dies. He is currently 78 years old.

I could believe McGinn got info from Ron Wolf and wrote/said this stuff... much quicker than I could see Eliot being upset by not being allowed to break policy and interviewed by a divisional rival.
8 years ago
Just because he has the last name "Wolf", that doesn't guarantee he would be a great GM.
Aaron Rodgers brother didn't make it as an NFL QB. But his last name is "RODGERS!!!"
What's wrong with him?!?!
Let Wolf go if he wants, just not to an NFC north team.
8 years ago

Not sure I understand why you typed the highlighted portion? A GM gig IS A PROMOTION.

Bob McGinn is the BEST newspaper guy that covers the Packers and has been for years. He is unafraid to speak the truth. Almost all paper guys in Green Bay tiptoe around any warranted criticism but not ol' Bob...he tells it as he sees it. Couldn't respect him more for that. It's little wonder he's reviled on Packers forums everywhere. He doesn't give you a warm and fuzzy when you're done reading him like almost all the others and especially

Disagree that it's only Rodgers who dictates more SB's. In theory, if he played close to perfect you might be correct but it's very hard to carry a team with the defense ours has to the Lombardi. Ted has been taking cut after cut after cut at high defensive draft picks and our D is STILL terrible after years of this. I've said this before but Ted should be relegated to drafting offense and turn it over to someone else to draft defense.

Originally Posted by: uffda udfa 

Is director of football operations above or below GM? Who knows, titles being what they are. The key factor is supposedly whether the new job has final say over personnel. If so, its a promotion. York has said his new GM will have final say. I'm guessing that if Wolf doesn't do what York wants; York cant fire him; but he can move his office into the laundry room in a deep basement with no cell or wireless service and change his Mercedes Benz Company car to a '73 Vega without working heat or air.

Again, thought we had a little talk, STOP BENDING REALITY TO MAKE A POINT. FACT: Huber, Dunne, Cohen, Demovsky, Hodkiewicz and Wilde have all written dozens of critical articles. McSpinn's writing gives you the warm and fuzzies because he makes stuff up.

My opinion of McSpinn is a scholarly judgement, to wit: I busted up McSpinn about a Mason Foster hack piece he wrote excoriating Ted. And there was Brandon Burks he liked, so he said Burks picked up 3 blitzes, when he did not; McStroke made it up. He got mad, because 1265 busted up Cohen on that Hack Piece on Guion and wrote some BS articles in retaliation. Read the piece he wrote ranking the players in NFC north; there are at least a half dozen statements attributed to team execs that there is no way an exec would say those things. One day we may find out that all the scouts McClown purports to speak to is actually Siri.

Now read what he wrote:
"Friends of Wolf said he was disappointed not having the chance to speak with the Lions about a job for which sources said he was the frontrunner. Moreover, those same people said Ron Wolf, the Packers’ retired GM and a mentor to Thompson, wasn’t pleased at all."

That is self-evident BULLSHIT. "Friends of Wolf," really? So McSpinnsuck happen to have a list of Eliot's friends and he called them and then at least 2 said to a reporter on the record, "yea, Eliot was pissed at Ted and his dad was mad too." These are either not friends at all, if this was said in confidence or Wolf had his friends leak the info like a little school girl passing a note to a friend to see if Johnny wants to go steady. Let me tell you something about Wolf, if he has a problem with something you've done he will show up in your office and deal with it face to face and he wont leak the story like a little debutante school boy. And if he did, he just disqualified himself from being the GM of an NFL team.

I'd be shocked if McGinn got one friend to talk; impossible it was plural. McGinn wrote "friends" because in his own mind he knew he was writing a fabrication and the plural was subconsciousness way of adding more credibility to something he knew consciously was bogus. Then like Stephen Glass, he probably doctored his notes if they even do a fact check on a Packer story.
uffda udfa
8 years ago

Is director of football operations above or below GM? Who knows, titles being what they are. The key factor is supposedly whether the new job has final say over personnel. If so, its a promotion. York has said his new GM will have final say. I'm guessing that if Wolf doesn't do what York wants; York cant fire him; but he can move his office into the laundry room in a deep basement with no cell or wireless service and change his Mercedes Benz Company car to a '73 Vega without working heat or air.

Again, thought we had a little talk, STOP BENDING REALITY TO MAKE A POINT. FACT: Huber, Dunne, Cohen, Demovsky, Hodkiewicz and Wilde have all written dozens of critical articles. McSpinn's writing gives you the warm and fuzzies because he makes stuff up.

My opinion of McSpinn is a scholarly judgement, to wit: I busted up McSpinn about a Mason Foster hack piece he wrote excoriating Ted. And there was Brandon Burks he liked, so he said Burks picked up 3 blitzes, when he did not; McStroke made it up. He got mad, because 1265 busted up Cohen on that Hack Piece on Guion and wrote some BS articles in retaliation. Read the piece he wrote ranking the players in NFC north; there are at least a half dozen statements attributed to team execs that there is no way an exec would say those things. One day we may find out that all the scouts McClown purports to speak to is actually Siri.

Now read what he wrote:
"Friends of Wolf said he was disappointed not having the chance to speak with the Lions about a job for which sources said he was the frontrunner. Moreover, those same people said Ron Wolf, the Packers’ retired GM and a mentor to Thompson, wasn’t pleased at all."

That is self-evident BULLSHIT. "Friends of Wolf," really? So McSpinnsuck happen to have a list of Eliot's friends and he called them and then at least 2 said to a reporter on the record, "yea, Eliot was pissed at Ted and his dad was mad too." These are either not friends at all, if this was said in confidence or Wolf had his friends leak the info like a little school girl passing a note to a friend to see if Johnny wants to go steady. Let me tell you something about Wolf, if he has a problem with something you've done he will show up in your office and deal with it face to face and he wont leak the story like a little debutante school boy. And if he did, he just disqualified himself from being the GM of an NFL team.

I'd be shocked if McGinn got one friend to talk; impossible it was plural. McGinn wrote "friends" because in his own mind he knew he was writing a fabrication and the plural was subconsciousness way of adding more credibility to something he knew consciously was bogus. Then like Stephen Glass, he probably doctored his notes if they even do a fact check on a Packer story.

Originally Posted by: Barfarn 

Bob McGinn is an award winning journalist. Your libel of him is remarkable. It's based on what exactly? You're making some pretty strong accusations of which you have no proof.

I almost fell out of the chair when I read that old Weston Hodkiewicz has written pieces critical of the Packers. That fan boy is now over at writing the puff pieces that come so naturally to him. I'll allege that you just told a whopper by saying these guys have written pieces anywhere near the level of McGinn's in the critique area. Bob stands alone in that regard. I would listen to the one guy not suckling the teet of the org vs. the others taking the milk but that's just me.

Eliot should be able to interview for a GM job if he wishes. End of story. If you think he's not worth losing then send passive Ted into retirement which he's going to do soon, anyway. Would you want to lose a 30 something GM who could technically run your org for the next 3 decades for one who will stay for one more year?

I think the fear of having yet another GM from our org doing well is an indictment of Ted Thompson not the other way around. Our org has hemorrhaged talent since the SB. No wonder we haven't been back when they may have been the real reasons we were there in the first place. Sam freaking Seale is responsible for a major portion of what our team is over the last couple of years.

Make Eliot the GM or let him go.

Ted Thompson sits on his hands per former GM: "because they’ve had 25 fricking years of great quarterbacks. Of course it works. Try it without a special quarterback."

8 years ago

Bob McGinn is an award winning journalist. Your libel of him is remarkable. It's based on what exactly? You're making some pretty strong accusations of which you have no proof.

I almost fell out of the chair when I read that old Weston Hodkiewicz has written pieces critical of the Packers. That fan boy is now over at writing the puff pieces that come so naturally to him. I'll allege that you just told a whopper by saying these guys have written pieces anywhere near the level of McGinn's in the critique area. Bob stands alone in that regard. I would listen to the one guy not suckling the teet of the org vs. the others taking the milk but that's just me.

Eliot should be able to interview for a GM job if he wishes. End of story. If you think he's not worth losing then send passive Ted into retirement which he's going to do soon, anyway. Would you want to lose a 30 something GM who could technically run your org for the next 3 decades for one who will stay for one more year?

I think the fear of having yet another GM from our org doing well is an indictment of Ted Thompson not the other way around. Our org has hemorrhaged talent since the SB. No wonder we haven't been back when they may have been the real reasons we were there in the first place. Sam freaking Seale is responsible for a major portion of what our team is over the last couple of years.

Make Eliot the GM or let him go.

Originally Posted by: uffda udfa 

You whine about being attacked; then without any basis, that is, without identifying an unprivileged false statement of fact made with malice, you say someone committed a defamation.

This argument is the perfect paradigm of duplicity, dishonesty and just being a TROLL!😲 😁

Your argument also lacks all scholarship: "McGinn won some sort of award; therefore he has never taken liberties in a story. Sounds like this one: "Sandusky has helped so many young boys; he therefore did not molest any of them." Stephen Glass won A LOT more and prestigious awards than McGinn!

You believe that at least 2 of Wolf's "friends" tampered with his high profile very public sensitive career? I cant see it, to me it's an oxymoron. If McSpinn used "acquaintances" of Wolf, at least it'd be possible. One way to explain the difference in our views is that in my life's experiences loyalty, trust and not sticking a knife in the back are necessary components of friendship; you're experiences may not be the same. Yea, explains a lot.

Eliot has a contract! A good moral American patriot lives up to his contracts and doesn't encourage or applaud others for breaking their contractual word. See, this is about acting with HONOR and CLASS!
Fan Shout
Zero2Cool (28m) : Any reason I'm catching a shot here about my intelligence?
Martha Careful (22h) : thank you Mucky for sticking up for me
Martha Careful (22h) : some of those people are smarter than you zero. However Pete Carroll is not
Mucky Tundra (24-Jan) : Rude!
beast (24-Jan) : Martha? 😋
Zero2Cool (24-Jan) : Raiders hired someone from the elderly home.
dfosterf (24-Jan) : I'm going with a combination of the two.
beast (24-Jan) : Either the Cowboys have no idea what they're doing, or they're targeting their former OC, currently the Eagles OC
Zero2Cool (23-Jan) : Fake news. Cowboys say no
Zero2Cool (23-Jan) : Mystery candidate in the Cowboys head coaching search believed to be Packers ST Coordinator Rich Bisaccia.
beast (23-Jan) : Also why do both NYC teams have absolutely horrible OL for over a decade?
beast (23-Jan) : I wonder why the Jets always hire defensive coaches to be head coach
Zero2Cool (22-Jan) : Still HC positions available out there. I wonder if Hafley pops up for one
Zero2Cool (22-Jan) : Trent Baalke is out as the Jaguars GM.
dfosterf (22-Jan) : Jeff Hafley would have been a better choice, fortunately they don't know that. Someone will figure that out next off season
Zero2Cool (22-Jan) : Aaron Glenn Planning To Take Jets HC Job
dfosterf (22-Jan) : Martha- C'est mon boulot! 😁
Zero2Cool (22-Jan) : Thank you
wpr (22-Jan) : Z, glad you are feeling better.
wpr (22-Jan) : My son and D-I-L work for UM. It's a way to pick on them.
Zero2Cool (22-Jan) : Thank you. I rarely get sick, and even more rarely sick to the point I can't work.
wpr (22-Jan) : Beast- back to yesterday, I CAN say OSU your have been Michigan IF the odds of making the playoffs were more urgent.
dfosterf (22-Jan) : Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better.
Zero2Cool (22-Jan) : I've been near death ill last several days, finally feel less dead and site issues.
Zero2Cool (22-Jan) : It is a big deal. This host is having issues. It's frustrating.
Martha Careful (22-Jan) : just was down
Martha Careful (22-Jan) : you were blocked yesterday, due to a a recalcitrant demeanor yesterday in the penalty box for a recalcitrant demeanor
dfosterf (22-Jan) : Was that site shutdown on your end or mine? No big deal, just curious
beast (21-Jan) : That way teams like Indiana and SMU don't make the conference championships by simply avoiding all the other good teams in their own confere
beast (21-Jan) : Also, with these "Super Conferences" instead of a single conference champion, have 4 teams make a Conference playoffs.
beast (21-Jan) : Also in college football, is a bye week a good or bad thing?
Martha Careful (21-Jan) : The tournament format was fine. Seeding could use some work.
beast (21-Jan) : You can't assume Ohio State would of won the Michigan game...
beast (21-Jan) : Rankings were 1) Oregon 2) Georgia 3) Texas 4) Penn State 5) Notre Dame 6) Ohio State, none of the rest mattered
wpr (21-Jan) : Texas, ND and OSU would have been fighting for the final 2 slots.
wpr (21-Jan) : Oregon and Georgia were locks. Without the luxury of extra playoff berths, Ohios St would have been more focused on Michigan game.
wpr (21-Jan) : Zero, no. If there were only 4 teams Ohio State would have been one of them. Boise St and ASU would not have been selected.
Zero2Cool (21-Jan) : So that was 7 vs 8, that means in BCS they never would made it?
Martha Careful (21-Jan) : A great game. Give ND credit for coming back, although I am please with the outcome.
Mucky Tundra (21-Jan) : FG to make it academic
Mucky Tundra (21-Jan) : and there's the dagger
Mucky Tundra (21-Jan) : ooooo 8 point game with 4 minutes to go!
Mucky Tundra (21-Jan) : ooooooooohhhhhh he missed!
Mucky Tundra (21-Jan) : Ooooo that completion makes things VERY interesting
Mucky Tundra (21-Jan) : Game not over yet
beast (21-Jan) : Oh yeah, Georgia starting quarterback season ending elbow injury
beast (21-Jan) : Sadly something happened to Georgia... they should be playing in this game against Ohio State
beast (21-Jan) : I thought Ohio State and Texas were both better than Notre Dame & Penn State
Mucky Tundra (21-Jan) : Notre Lame getting rolled
Martha Careful (21-Jan) : Ohio State just got punched in the gut. Lets see how they respond
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Sunday, Oct 20 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Oct 27 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Nov 3 @ 3:25 PM
Sunday, Nov 17 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Nov 24 @ 3:25 PM
Thursday, Nov 28 @ 7:20 PM
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Monday, Dec 23 @ 7:15 PM
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