uffda udfa
8 years ago

Don't waste your sensible posts and valuable time on Uffda Cheesey.

Just not worth it.

Originally Posted by: buckeyepackfan 

Yup...the truth ain't worth it if you like livin' a lie.

Ted Thompson sits on his hands per former GM: "because they’ve had 25 fricking years of great quarterbacks. Of course it works. Try it without a special quarterback."

8 years ago
Thank you Buckeye!

Uffda....what "lie" are you speaking of? I would call what I have been saying as "reality", or "facts".
You make comments about MM, which I don't really understand. You speak as though you are in the locker room with the team and Mike McCarthy to know what he says to the team.
Do you really believe he doesn't give the players what for when they mess up?
Just because he doesn't go before the media and rant or make his comment he makes before the team in private as media news doesn't mean he's a wimp.
I was actually surprised that that he called out Lacy in public.

8 years ago

Thank you Buckeye!

Uffda....what "lie" are you speaking of? I would call what I have been saying as "reality", or "facts".
You make comments about MM, which I don't really understand. You speak as though you are in the locker room with the team and Mike McCarthy to know what he says to the team.
Do you really believe he doesn't give the players what for when they mess up?
Just because he doesn't go before the media and rant or make his comment he makes before the team in private as media news doesn't mean he's a wimp.
I was actually surprised that that he called out Lacy in public.

Originally Posted by: Cheesey 

Exactly Cheesey. 95% of what Mike McCarthy says publicly is misdirection or outright lies; this is called having his players' backs, not weakness. Weak coaches dont last 10 years or have success. Loud mouth liars that talk about keeping it the lockerroom and publicly the trash players lose their team in like 2 years. Harbaugh is not a tough guy, he's a bully, a liar to his players and in time his insanity will destroy any NFL team. Also, Harbaugh does not know how to keep NFL players personal life in line. This douchebag actually said to his players the only thing he would not tolerate is his players putting hands on a woman. Of course if the player was good, then that was okay too.

They asked Mike McCarthy in earlier press conferences about Lacy's weight and he said it wasn't an issue. Then you look at Lacy's head and it looks like it had to be melted down and poured into his helmet; then he gets benched. Mike McCarthy knows Lacy best and what the best method is for motivation. All other methods apparently were not working and Mike McCarthy decided to fire the RB coach and make the public comment about Lacy's weight. It in my mind this is a second to last resort. I would say GB is gonna draft a RB in that 3-4 rnd range, maybe a 2nd again if the right guy falls.
Mike McCarthy said before Favre got let go that he should have benched him late in Giants game. And the word is that it was Mike McCarthy that was dead set against letting Favre back. If a 2nd yr coach tells a HOFer, "OUT" after their 4 hour knock down drag out meeting! That is one tough SOB.

And next year, Mike McCarthy will be ready to deal with Aaron Rodgers in the most effective way.
uffda udfa
8 years ago

Yup...the truth ain't worth it if you like livin' a lie.

Originally Posted by: uffda udfa 

Cheesey... I was merely commenting on Buck's torrid love affair with EVERYTHING the Packers org does. Don't tell Buck there's no such thing as anyone being perfect. He thinks TT, Mike McCarthy and Dom Capers, heck, even AJ Hawk were above reproach. He's a fanboy and that's fine but he crosses the line when he tries acting as if he's got a single shred of objectivity to him. Being that pro Packers necessitates you have zero objectivity.

I follow the Packers as well or better than Buck does but I do it with my eyes wide open and objective. I like some things, love some and hate some. It's not all glorious in Green Bay. We've been in one SB in the last 20 years. Things can't possibly perfect and I comment on things I think are imperfect. Buck, he doesn't want to hear nunna dat! His mind can't handle it. He takes to the board to write the same ridiculous insults over and over and over claiming I have no football knowledge...but HE does? I haven't seen it. I see a dyed in the wool fanboy. That's fine, but, again, don't pretend like you have any objectivity when it comes to discussing this team. It's just not there for him hence, he lives in fantasy land and enjoys...livin' a lie.
Ted Thompson sits on his hands per former GM: "because they’ve had 25 fricking years of great quarterbacks. Of course it works. Try it without a special quarterback."

8 years ago

Cheesey... I was merely commenting on Buck's torrid love affair with EVERYTHING the Packers org does. Don't tell Buck there's no such thing as anyone being perfect. He thinks TT, Mike McCarthy and Dom Capers, heck, even AJ Hawk were above reproach. He's a fanboy and that's fine but he crosses the line when he tries acting as if he's got a single shred of objectivity to him. Being that pro Packers necessitates you have zero objectivity.

I follow the Packers as well or better than Buck does but I do it with my eyes wide open and objective. I like some things, love some and hate some. It's not all glorious in Green Bay. We've been in one SB in the last 20 years. Things can't possibly perfect and I comment on things I think are imperfect. Buck, he doesn't want to hear nunna dat! His mind can't handle it. He takes to the board to write the same ridiculous insults over and over and over claiming I have no football knowledge...but HE does? I haven't seen it. I see a dyed in the wool fanboy. That's fine, but, again, don't pretend like you have any objectivity when it comes to discussing this team. It's just not there for him hence, he lives in fantasy land and enjoys...livin' a lie.

Originally Posted by: uffda udfa 

Yeah, ufda does it with his eyes open and objective. This leads him to conclude that Mike, Dom and AJ Hawk are not above reproach, unlike Jeff Janis.
“Winning is not a sometime thing, it is an all the time thing. You don't do things right once in a while…you do them right all the time.”
8 years ago
The Nerdman Family Is About To Sit Down For Dinner In 2020.

Mrs Neardman: "Hi honey, how was your business conference this morning?"

Neardman: "It sucked.. Fuck Management,"

Mrs Nerdman: "Your Son Kevin scored 6 points in his basketball game today."

Nerdman: "KEVIN.. KEVIN.. Get In Here."

Kevin: "Yes Dad?"

Nerdman: "How many points did your team score this afternoon?"

Kevin: "39"

Nerdman: "You only got 6 points out of 39? That is weak." "Fuck You Son." "Go to bed. No dinner for you. FUCK YOU"

There is a frantic knock on the front door.. Nerdman answers. It is the12 year old Son of an epileptic mother who lives next door.

Son of epileptic mother: "My mom fell down and is shaking... please help."

Nerdman: "She has had this medical condition for how long?"

Son of epileptic mother: "Four years."

Nerdman: "Fuck Her." Tell her to get a better doctor."


""People Will Probably Never Remember What You Said, And May Never Remember What You Did. However, People Will Always Remember How You Made Them Feel."
8 years ago

Thank you Buckeye!

Uffda....what "lie" are you speaking of? I would call what I have been saying as "reality", or "facts".
You make comments about MM, which I don't really understand. You speak as though you are in the locker room with the team and Mike McCarthy to know what he says to the team.
Do you really believe he doesn't give the players what for when they mess up?
Just because he doesn't go before the media and rant or make his comment he makes before the team in private as media news doesn't mean he's a wimp.
I was actually surprised that that he called out Lacy in public.

Originally Posted by: Cheesey 

More great points Cheesey.
I think Uffda was referring to me on the "living the lie" statement.

I think I have been personally attacked!

I always thought this was a place to come to discuss Packer Football, not a place to prove how much knowledge a person has about the game.


I know Mike McCarthy is head coach.

I've come to learn and appretiate the way they build a staff and a TEAM.

My favorite comment rolling around right now is Th a The Packers had a down year finishing 10-6 .
11-7 after playoffs.

10-6 is a down year, then The other years have to have been pretty damn good to set the bar so high.

I am just as disappointed as everyone else when The Packers bow out of the playoffs, that disappointment is what makes the SB Champion years so special
I'm smart enough to know that a bad bounce or a well defended deflected pass that goes for a TD instead of an interception can change the whole outcome of the season.

I respect every player that earns the right to wear The Packer uniform.

Unlike some here I will never pit player against player, hoping one will fail, just to be able to say "see I told you so" when the other makes it.

My hope is that they all push each other to the point where they are all great.

One of my 1st thoughts after The Arizona game was, wow if Janis and Abby can build on their performance and the rest of the wr's come back healthy, The Packers are going to be loaded come next year.

One more thing I know.

Not every player Ted Thompson drafts is going to be a superstar, there will be some who fail, some will develope quicker than others.

Some will surprise and take to The Pro game from day 1.

These are the things I know,

I've been accused of living a lie.
I think I'm living in reality, the guy who thinks he knows more than The GM is the guy that should take a real close look at his lifestyle!


AJ Hawk plays for The Bengals now, no reason to bring him up around here until he retires and is elected to The Packer Hall of Fame!
I was addicted to The Hokey Pokey, but I turned myself around!
uffda udfa
8 years ago

More great pints Cheesey.
I think Uffda was referring to me on the "living the lie" statement.

I think I have been personally attacked!

I always thought this was a place to come to discuss Packer Football, not a place to prove how much knowledge a person has about the game.


I know Mike McCarthy is head coach.

I've come to learn and appretiate the way they build a staff and a TEAM.

My favorite comment rolling around right now is Th a The Packers had a down year finishing 10-6 .
11-7 after playoffs.

10-6 is a down year, then The other years have to have been pretty damn good to set the bar so high.

I am just as disappointed as everyone else when The Packers bow out of the playoffs, that disappointment is what makes the SB Champion years so special
I'm smart enough to know that a bad bounce or a well defended deflected pass that goes for a TD instead of an interception can change the whole outcome of the season.

I respect every player that earns the right to wear The Packer uniform.

Unlike some here I will never pit player against player, hoping one will fail, just to be able to say "see I told you so" when the other makes it.

My hope is that they all push each other to the point where they are all great.

One of my 1st thoughts after The Arizona game was, wow if Janis and Abby can build on their performance and the rest of the wr's come back healthy, The Packers are going to be loaded come next year.

One more thing I know.

Not every player Ted Thompson drafts is going to be a superstar, there will be some who fail, some will develope quicker than others.

Some will surprise and take to The Pro game from day 1.

These are the things I know,

I've been accused of living a lie.
I think I'm living in reality, the guy who thinks he knows more than The GM is the guy that should take a real close look at his lifestyle!


AJ Hawk plays for The Bengals now, no reason to bring him up around here until he retires and is elected to The Packer Hall of Fame!

Originally Posted by: buckeyepackfan 

This was the most fair and balanced post you've ever typed. Ghostwriter? 😁

Personally attacked? C'mon, Buck. That's your M.O. with me...always has been.

BTW, I didn't want Davante or RR to fail. I was hoping they would be players but felt very strongly they wouldn't be. In fact, I drafted Davante in many of my fantasy leagues in the hopes he might get production from just being in the higher role.

As for reality... yes, the record wasn't terrible but we all know what we saw this year was. There is so much more than meets the eye. Go beyond the surface once in a blue moon. You used to say AJ Hawk was a great draft pick and you cited his tackle numbers. Again, way more than meets the eye. He was a slug from his lofty 5th overall draft status on. I know he played at THEE Ohio State University and was a Packer so it made it pretty difficult for you not to do what's natural for you.

I would be really curious to hear, from your perspective, how Davante and RR's years went? I would guess you would be quick to point our RR's reception numbers stating he had a great year and caught the hail mary. Again, that would be your inability to look at the entire (bigger) picture. Why is that so hard for you? Is it because of the "respect" you have for anyone who wears the "G"? I think having respect is great. I think when you're on a fan board and you are constantly gushing over things not gush worthy that isn't respectable at all. If there is a problem, you should say it...you sure have no issue telling me I'm one.

You love the Packers and I do respect that. I have no ill will for you. I almost wish I could be like you.
Ted Thompson sits on his hands per former GM: "because they’ve had 25 fricking years of great quarterbacks. Of course it works. Try it without a special quarterback."

8 years ago

This was the most fair and balanced post you've ever typed. Ghostwriter? 😁

Personally attacked? C'mon, Buck. That's your M.O. with me...always has been.

BTW, I didn't want Davante or RR to fail. I was hoping they would be players but felt very strongly they wouldn't be. In fact, I drafted Davante in many of my fantasy leagues in the hopes he might get production from just being in the higher role.

As for reality... yes, the record wasn't terrible but we all know what we saw this year was. There is so much more than meets the eye. Go beyond the surface once in a blue moon. You used to say AJ Hawk was a great draft pick and you cited his tackle numbers. Again, way more than meets the eye. He was a slug from his lofty 5th overall draft status on. I know he played at THEE Ohio State University and was a Packer so it made it pretty difficult for you not to do what's natural for you.

I would be really curious to hear, from your perspective, how Davante and RR's years went? I would guess you would be quick to point our RR's reception numbers stating he had a great year and caught the hail mary. Again, that would be your inability to look at the entire (bigger) picture. Why is that so hard for you? Is it because of the "respect" you have for anyone who wears the "G"? I think having respect is great. I think when you're on a fan board and you are constantly gushing over things not gush worthy that isn't respectable at all. If there is a problem, you should say it...you sure have no issue telling me I'm one.

You love the Packers and I do respect that. I have no ill will for you. I almost wish I could be like you.

Originally Posted by: uffda udfa 

1. Show me where I ever said Hawk was a great draft pick!
I never said that,
The oldest trick in the book, say something enough times and you will start believing it's true, and others will believe it.

2. You say Hawk is a slug, I say his accomplishments as a Packer will get him into The Packer Hall Of Fame.

That will happen within 3 years after he officially retires.
How much money do you want me to take from you?
Name it.

3. All you ever did was talk bad about Ted taking Adams.
Fact is Janis is THE ONLY draft pick Ted has made that you seem to agree with.
Hell it got so bad this year that you made some on here talk bad about Janis.
The truth being Janis was a 7th round draft pick project.
Once again it looks like Ted got it right, if Jeff can continue to build on his accomplishments from this year, he will be a steal.

Your track record says everything I need to know when it comes to evaluating players and teams.

You now have 2 agendas.
1. Dominate every thread that is posted with, imho total bullshit
2. Spin every thread posted to Ted Thompson sucks, The Packers will never be successful until he is gone.

I am not here to answer your questions.
I find it real tiring to rehash the same crap over and over again.

I already said what I thought after The Arizona game, most can come to an accurate conclusion of how I feel about The Packers WR's goiing foward .

I was addicted to The Hokey Pokey, but I turned myself around!
8 years ago

The Nerdman Family Is About To Sit Down For Dinner In 2020.

Mrs Neardman: "Hi honey, how was your business conference this morning?"

Neardman: "It sucked.. Fuck Management,"

Mrs Nerdman: "Your Son Kevin scored 6 points in his basketball game today."

Nerdman: "KEVIN.. KEVIN.. Get In Here."

Kevin: "Yes Dad?"

Nerdman: "How many points did your team score this afternoon?"

Kevin: "39"

Nerdman: "You only got 6 points out of 39? That is weak." "Fuck You Son." "Go to bed. No dinner for you. FUCK YOU"

There is a frantic knock on the front door.. Nerdman answers. It is the12 year old Son of an epileptic mother who lives next door.

Son of epileptic mother: "My mom fell down and is shaking... please help."

Nerdman: "She has had this medical condition for how long?"

Son of epileptic mother: "Four years."

Nerdman: "Fuck Her." Tell her to get a better doctor."


Originally Posted by: RaiderPride 

That's funny shit right there raider.

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    Mucky Tundra (19h) : @ochocinco Jayden Reed bitch, learn the fucking name now got damn casual fans 🧀
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    wpr (10-Jun) : that's great jdlax
    jdlax (10-Jun) : God I hate the Shithawks
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