no i wouldn't! But, I'm not trained to defend myself. they used force to control him, but they were ovviously (and rightfullY) mad at him for leading them on the chase, etc. then they beat the ever-loving piss out of anger. almost killed him. MAYBE he could have killed them. they put him down, then they DID almost kill him. they beat on him long after he was subdued, swinging their wooden night sticks at his head while he was on the ground. they could have easily cuffed him but there were over half a dozen officers that decided to take out their anger on him instead of letting it be decided in court. he is lying on the ground unconscious and they are hitting him as hard over and over, swinging at his head with their night sticks and stomping on his head with their heels. the violence was beyond excessive cheesey. watch the video.
"bozz_2006" wrote: was excessive.
So....what lesson is to be learned by all this? Who ultimately is to blame for what happened?
Hmmm.......maybe.....don't get high as a kite and lead cops on a high speed chase.
And if your still too stupid to ignore that, how about......when the chase is over, DO WHAT THE COPS TELL YOU TO DO.
All of it could and would have been avoided had King not CHOSE to break several laws, putting not only himself, but innocent bystanders AND all the cops involved lives in danger.
Obey the laws, and you have very little chance of being beat down.
Pretty simple as i see it.
I find it hard to feel very sorry for someone who puts law abiding citizens very lives in danger, then pisses and moans because he/she ends up beat up.
It's NOT like the cops just attacked some innocent guy minding his own business.
Oh....and your video picks up way after King ignored what the cops told him to do....repeatedly.
Do i condone the cops beating him? No. But ultimately King himself set the whole mess in motion by his own actions.
If you start a fire, it's hard to feel sorry for the arsonist if he gets burned.