Gotarace is trying to talk me through goes!

Will Blackmon, me, and Ryan Grant
THANKS GOTARACE!!! :thumbleft:
"Rockmolder" wrote:
That's pretty cool. Was that at a packerfest thingie or something?
I see you have one of those alternate jerseys there aswell. They're pretty cool.
"Cheesey" wrote:
That was this past summer at a car dealership in Menominee Falls. They were not allowing ANY "posed" photos with the players. But Ernie VonSchledorn, who owns the dealership had Ryan Grant there earlier in the summer, and i had taken a nice pic of him with Grant. When i went to the double signing, I gave the pic to Ernie. He LOVED it. So when i got up to the table, i asked Ernie if it was ok if i got my picture taken with the players. Well, he OWNS the place and said "Absolutely!" So one of his workers grabbed my camera and took the pic for me.
And the jersey is my AJ "HAWK" jersey. My wife got it for me on my 50th birthday. (Get it? Hawk's number....50)