I've noticed some movies that were made as little as 10 or 12 years ago where homosexuality is a major stigma. It's amazing how far the leftists have dragged the country down to where that crap is now totally acceptable to the solid majority of people who in many cases have decent normal views on a lot of other things.
I'll go with "mean" in the original question, but with the stipulation that Jenner, even more than homosexuals in general, is deserving of any ridicule or stigma attached to his sick and disgusting choice because, after all, it was his choice. The popular idea that the libs have inflicted on America is that homosexuality is NOT a choice - they are born that way; I don't buy that; I say it IS a choice, and thus, the chooser should reap the fruits (no pun intended) of his choices. Even if the libs are correct that homosexuals are born predisposed to be that way, it is clearly a CHOICE to overcome that predisposition or to go with it. There used to be a term "latent homosexual" back in the day - meaning somebody who was or seemingly was wired to be a homosexual, but chose not to partake of the abomination.
Just the same, the prevailing rule should be: HATE THE SIN, NOT THE SINNER. It's wrong to hate Jenner and others who do the abomination of homosexuality. This is America; They have the Freedom to do that abomination; However, Normal People also have Freedom, including the Freedom to ridicule - either good-naturedly or mean-spiritedly. The REAL Evil is the damned Political Correctness crap inflicted on people - including those who either for fun or meanness, take your pick, ridicule the poor misguided loons like Jenner who practice various abominations.
Are we having fun yet? It's been a while since there's been any good back and forth on topics like this.
Expressing the Good Normal Views of Good Normal Americans.
If Anything I Say Smacks of Extremism, Please Tell Me EXACTLY What.