Do gun control laws stop gun violence?
Do tax laws stop people from cheating on their taxes?
No.. so why punish those that want to have a beer, a chew, a cigarette? Do you think a law is going to stop people from obtaining and consuming either? We all know how effective drug laws are and how much money we pour into it. That doesn't even address the prison population which would explode if tobacco and Alcohol was outlawed.
Still trying to figure out the tobacco being tied to the crime study?
I have never tried weed.. but know a few that do it often. I don't notice much of a difference between the effects verses alcohol.. other than the smell.
Originally Posted by: Pack93z
Taking it a step further, I'm more for the total eradication of tobacco, alcohol and marijuana. It has no place in an enlightened advanced society. It's nothing but a filthy vice for millions and that vice ability should be completely removed. Watching grown men and women stumble around drunk is incredibly pathetic and most of them do it in front of kids who end up just like the parents they see. Nice. Just spread that vice to generation after generation. I feel for those whose lives are so empty they turn to garbage like any of that stuff.
You're right...tobacco played no part in the crime study but what positive effect does tobacco have on anyone? It's the equivalent of nothing good happens after midnight. Why "be out after midnight" so to speak by using tobacco products? It DESTROYS people's health. Oh, yes, it's their choice to destroy themselves? Shouldn't even be an option for anyone. Alas, there is way too much money to be made off drugs and alcohol to get rid of them. Keep the masses in poor health and drunk and doped. Best way to control them and get them thinking less about what is actually happening in the world because they can just be happy smoking, drinking and drugging getting through this miserable world that wouldn't be half as miserable if they were awake and willing to help change it.
Enough rant. Get rid of the drug heads on this team. I'd rather win clean than win with dopers and the like.
Ted Thompson sits on his hands per former GM: "because they’ve had 25 fricking years of great quarterbacks. Of course it works. Try it without a special quarterback."