My word. I keep hearing the earthquake stuff from non-Californians and let me just tell you I'd take an earthquake any day of the week over a tornado, a hurricane, a flash flood, and a good ol' Mid-western storm.
I've been in all of them and with an earthquake, if you die, you die. But with the rest, if you survive, you have to deal with everything being broken, insurance companies, possibly being homeless, etc.
Earthquakes aren't that bad and you're a heck of a lot more likely to win the lottery than die in an earthquake.
After all, that horrible, terrible, infamous earthquake in 1989 that caused so much damage and misery where the Bay Bridge collapsed - 1 person died. One. Uno. Une. Ichi. That's it. One person.
So don't worry about California. It's safe. I had a Geology Professor in college who used to say "whatever you do, don't buy land in California because 95 million years from now, the Californian plate will be under Alaska."
Weather is great here. It's Winter and I got a t-shirt on. Politics on the other hand...
"zombieslayer" wrote: