So....Bob has another story for you guys and gals. My wife, Donna and our son Bobby went over to Helena this morning. I stayed home to rest, relax, and dream about our upcoming Alaskan Cruise for our 50th wedding anniversary.
Bobby is a professional painter....has his own business....and is going to stain our cabin up on Stemple Pass, Northwest of Helena. Donna is going to stay with cousin Debbie for the week, in Helena, and I am going to enjoy every minute of freedom, here in Lolo. Donna calls at 2:00PM this afternoon from the cabin.
Donna......"Bob, guess what?"
Bob....."How many guesses do I get?"
Donna......."Smart Ass.... there's a lion on the roof and she doesn't seem inclined to want to come down. Bobby is trying to get her down with the hose.".
Bob: " So what do you want me to to do? I'm 125 miles away and I don't really care if there's a pussy cat up there or not. Tell Bobby to go into the back bedroom and get the shotgun and there are some "Bam-Blanks" in the desk in the living room. Fire one or two of those into the air and see if the cat goes away.
Ten Minutes later......."Bob.....the cat took off after Bobby fired the shotgun. I'm not sure where she went but at least she is out of here.
Bob......."Okay, I don't think she'll be back today, but tell Bobby to keep an eye out for her, especially on the mountain side of the cabin."
Donna....." Bobby says he is going to sleep in his truck tonight."
Bob....""Jeez, what a chicken shit. What's a Mountain Lion going to do to you ?"
Donna......" Bobby says you should come up and stain the cabin if you're so brave. Says he didn't sign on for endangerment of his life for this."
Bob........" I'm taking a me when things are really bad.."
Anyone for a Weenie Roast?