mostly I just don't trust this staff to make the correct decision on who to field.
I mean,
They started
Brady Poppinga over Clay Matthews for fucks sake(wk 1-3).
They trotted out Jarrett Bush as a starter when every Packer fan on the planet knew that was a terribibble idea.
Erik Walden, the worst LB in the league started for 2 years. Literally any
one could have been an improvement over him
Then there was the whole Derek Frost / John Ryan thing.
And i'm gonna toss in a "Graham Harrell blows.. always has, and its amazing that nobody inside GB HQ took any action until 4 offseasons later, when it was absolutely clear he is an incapable even as a back up".
I wasn't wishing him to be paralyzed or anything, but when MM crowned him the starter despite still being on the PUP, it only further reinforced my opinion on his ability to make the right choice. S
o it wasn't as much that I wanted Harris hurt... as that I wanted the decision to be taken away from MM.get my drift?
Dec, 11, 2012 - FOREVER!