11 years ago
This may have to be moved, lol, but, what is the Patriot Act mean to you? I've heard that the phrase "Patriot Act" is quite misleading to it's actual intentions and implementation.
11 years ago

This may have to be moved, lol, but, what is the Patriot Act mean to you? I've heard that the phrase "Patriot Act" is quite misleading to it's actual intentions and implementation.

Originally Posted by: Zero2Cool 

Ah ....... Pure Politics - RED MEAT!!! the thread I mean, not the Patriot Act.

I think I represent the Good Normal America-Loving American point of view, although undoubtedly in this forum, we will see a majority with the loony Libertarian point of view. The Patriot Act may have been a snap reaction to 9/11, but it was needed, and it has served America well. The A Number 1 top priority is NOT having our citizens mass murdered. That should be indisputable, although we likely will get a lot of disputin' of it. To those who say the threat of a terrorist event is exaggerated, especially one with more advanced weaponry than 9/11, I say Two things: 1. It only has to happen once to reek unthinkable horrors on this country, and 2. The thing that is EXAGGERATED is the counter-argument - that a bunch of megalomaniacs are out to grab our freedoms from us, and THAT is more important than life itself. The obvious counter to that counter to that counter is that the terrorist event which they so casually risk would surely destroy the exact freedoms they are so paranoid about losing.

We covered a lot of this ground in the other thread(s), but it is important enough to cover again. This makes all of the social/moral issues, and even the economic issues pale in comparison.

Expressing the Good Normal Views of Good Normal Americans.
If Anything I Say Smacks of Extremism, Please Tell Me EXACTLY What.
  • Wade
  • Veteran Member
11 years ago
Good topi
I'm too worn out from dealing with this back to type much more than some random thoughts.

1. It illustrates how legislation built from fear is almost always a bad idea.

2. It illustrates that the American Experiment that Tocqueville was so impressed with may well be over.

3. The only significant difference between having a Department of Homeland Security and having a Committee on Public Safety is that the former hasn't the power of the guillotine.

4. Yet.

5. The parallels between America of 2011-2013 are eerily similar to France of 1789 and 1848.

6. The TSA has not made air travel safer.

7. Technically I'm a loony anarchist, not a loony libertarian.

8. Interesting that the Patriot Act didn't prevent the Boston massacre, isn't it.

9. At least most people know where Guatanamo Bay is now. Now all we need to do is get them to understand a bit of the history of the place and the island its a part of.

10. The fact of the Patriot Act's existence, and Americans' willingness to accept it is pretty good evidence of the failure of historical education for the last few generations.
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Romans 12:2 (NKJV)
11 years ago

Good topi
I'm too worn out from dealing with this back to type much more than some random thoughts.

1. It illustrates how legislation built from fear is almost always a bad idea.

2. It illustrates that the American Experiment that Tocqueville was so impressed with may well be over.

3. The only significant difference between having a Department of Homeland Security and having a Committee on Public Safety is that the former hasn't the power of the guillotine.

4. Yet.

5. The parallels between America of 2011-2013 are eerily similar to France of 1789 and 1848.

6. The TSA has not made air travel safer.

7. Technically I'm a loony anarchist, not a loony libertarian.

8. Interesting that the Patriot Act didn't prevent the Boston massacre, isn't it.

9. At least most people know where Guatanamo Bay is now. Now all we need to do is get them to understand a bit of the history of the place and the island its a part of.

10. The fact of the Patriot Act's existence, and Americans' willingness to accept it is pretty good evidence of the failure of historical education for the last few generations.

Originally Posted by: Wade 

1. If you lose a big game by oh ....... a running QB for example, you take extraordinary measures to defense that sort of thing, right? Life imitates football.

2. Did I mention ....... expect exaggeration in the counter-argument?

3. see number 2.

4. It did prevent recidivism hahahaha.

5. Forgive my historical ignorance or forgetfulness, but what mass murdering event equivalent to 9/11 led to the French Revolution? And what the hell happened in 1848 - other than Wisconsin becoming a state?

6. How many buildings have airliners slammed into since it began?

7. ooooh, a major distinction hahaha. Anyway, Wade, I'd hardly call you loony. Paranoid, yes. Capable of loony responses cloaked in sophistication, yes, but loony? Never.

8. I liken the Boston thing to a booster shot. The lessons of 9/11 were maybe beginning to wear off - the ignoring of the warning from Russia, etc. Arguably, the Patriot Act did make catching the Muslim bastards quicker and easier, and thus prevent the other bombings they had planned.

9. What I know of the history of Guantanamo is it was that bastion we refused to give up when Cuba went Communist - a flicker of silver lining in a dark cloud of recent history. Did you have some other historical context in mind?

10. Do you have any idea how ELITIST that sounds? "Those dumb boobs who prefer to not get killed just aren't getting our enlightened message about how they should be more concerned about their freedom than their LIFE".
Expressing the Good Normal Views of Good Normal Americans.
If Anything I Say Smacks of Extremism, Please Tell Me EXACTLY What.
11 years ago
I wanna go fishin' with Wade, Shawn, Jeremy, and Texas.

That would be a good fishing trip.

  • Wade
  • Veteran Member
11 years ago

1. If you lose a big game by oh ....... a running QB for example, you take extraordinary measures to defense that sort of thing, right? Life imitates football.

2. Did I mention ....... expect exaggeration in the counter-argument?

3. see number 2.

4. It did prevent recidivism hahahaha.

5. Forgive my historical ignorance or forgetfulness, but what mass murdering event equivalent to 9/11 led to the French Revolution? And what the hell happened in 1848 - other than Wisconsin becoming a state?

6. How many buildings have airliners slammed into since it began?

7. ooooh, a major distinction hahaha. Anyway, Wade, I'd hardly call you loony. Paranoid, yes. Capable of loony responses cloaked in sophistication, yes, but loony? Never.

8. I liken the Boston thing to a booster shot. The lessons of 9/11 were maybe beginning to wear off - the ignoring of the warning from Russia, etc. Arguably, the Patriot Act did make catching the Muslim bastards quicker and easier, and thus prevent the other bombings they had planned.

9. What I know of the history of Guantanamo is it was that bastion we refused to give up when Cuba went Communist - a flicker of silver lining in a dark cloud of recent history. Did you have some other historical context in mind?

10. Do you have any idea how ELITIST that sounds? "Those dumb boobs who prefer to not get killed just aren't getting our enlightened message about how they should be more concerned about their freedom than their LIFE".

Originally Posted by: texaspackerbacker 

1. I think looking at trade in terms of winners and losers (a la sports games) is a bad idea. But given that you are a mercantilist, I'm not surprised at this.

5. I wasn't speaking of specific event parallels. I was speaking of the "patterns of history", i.e., the fact that,like peasants and other "non-aristocrats" c. 1789 (storming of Bastille, bread riots, CPS originally, etc etc), people in America today tend to look at the state as the solution to problems rather than a necessary evil to be limited a la the American founders. And that is what led to the CPS -- Robispierre didn't just "take power" -- he had a real "popular mandate." His illustration of Acton's dictum ("power corrupts...") came later.
1848 was a year of revolution and potential revolution throughout Europe (France, Hungary, German States, Denmark, Austrian Habsburgs, Switzerland, Italy, Galicia/Ukraine, Poland, Romania, Belgium. Even England had to deal with pretty severe Chartist unrest). It was also the year that The Communist Manifesto was first published (Marx definitely had great timing). You think there is "instability" today. Look at 1848. Now *that* was a scary time.
And it spread two of the worst ideas in modern (if not human) history, nationalism and socialism/communistm.
I'd rather live today, fear of NBCs notwithstanding. Easy.

10. You misunderstood me here, I think. I was indicting educators and the education system, not those who didn't listen to their teachers.

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Romans 12:2 (NKJV)
  • Wade
  • Veteran Member
11 years ago

I wanna go fishin' with Wade, Shawn, Jeremy, and Texas.

That would be a good fishing trip.

Originally Posted by: dfosterf 

Of course, with all the shouting, we probably wouldn't catch many fish. (Or could we use grenades as depth charges?)

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Romans 12:2 (NKJV)
11 years ago

Of course, with all the shouting, we probably wouldn't catch many fish. (Or could we use grenades as depth charges?)

Originally Posted by: Wade 

Me, you and Shawn would catch all the fish. Jeremy would catch all the hell. Texas would have the time of his life, lol.

11 years ago

Of course, with all the shouting, we probably wouldn't catch many fish. (Or could we use grenades as depth charges?)

Originally Posted by: Wade 

I haven't been fishing since I was a kid or teenager with my dad - bullheads and northerns in the ditches of Horicon Marsh and ice fishing on Lake Monona. The first time I ever heard of using grenades that way was from my Arabic teacher at Defense Language Institute, Presidio Monterey, California. I guess it's a Muslim thing hahahaha.

Expressing the Good Normal Views of Good Normal Americans.
If Anything I Say Smacks of Extremism, Please Tell Me EXACTLY What.
11 years ago

1. I think looking at trade in terms of winners and losers (a la sports games) is a bad idea. But given that you are a mercantilist, I'm not surprised at this.

5. I wasn't speaking of specific event parallels. I was speaking of the "patterns of history", i.e., the fact that,like peasants and other "non-aristocrats" c. 1789 (storming of Bastille, bread riots, CPS originally, etc etc), people in America today tend to look at the state as the solution to problems rather than a necessary evil to be limited a la the American founders. And that is what led to the CPS -- Robispierre didn't just "take power" -- he had a real "popular mandate." His illustration of Acton's dictum ("power corrupts...") came later.
1848 was a year of revolution and potential revolution throughout Europe (France, Hungary, German States, Denmark, Austrian Habsburgs, Switzerland, Italy, Galicia/Ukraine, Poland, Romania, Belgium. Even England had to deal with pretty severe Chartist unrest). It was also the year that The Communist Manifesto was first published (Marx definitely had great timing). You think there is "instability" today. Look at 1848. Now *that* was a scary time.
And it spread two of the worst ideas in modern (if not human) history, nationalism and socialism/communistm.
I'd rather live today, fear of NBCs notwithstanding. Easy.

10. You misunderstood me here, I think. I was indicting educators and the education system, not those who didn't listen to their teachers.

Originally Posted by: Wade 

1. You lost me there, Wade. WHAT does the Patriot Act have to do with TRADE? Did I ever say I was a Mercantilist? The thing about the dollar being the reserve currency and the world basically paying tribute to us? I don't think that is exactly classic Mercantilism. Other than that, I'm kinda half-heartedly for free trade and against tariffs - but what does THAT have to do with the topic at hand?

10. So the educators didn't do a good enough job of propagandizing students to YOUR point of view - they still care more about their LIVES than things like freedom, due process, etc.? It still smacks of ELITISM to me - YOU know better than the "dumbass majority" who think differently.

5. It's entirely possible we could have a "tyranny of the majority" which basically the French Revolution was, and it could fit neatly within the Constitution if framed correctly. You know what could really grease the wheels to make that sort of thing possible, though? A Constitutional Convention - as YOU advocate. What have you got against NATIONALISM? I like it. It is an essential element of ethnocentricity - one of may favorite doctrines.
Expressing the Good Normal Views of Good Normal Americans.
If Anything I Say Smacks of Extremism, Please Tell Me EXACTLY What.
Fan Shout
Zero2Cool (1m) : It's March 10th. I don't think anything is done.
Martha Careful (11m) : if we think CB is done, we have a poor roster
Mucky Tundra (23m) : CB and OG in FA, narrows down the top of the draft board a little
Martha Careful (40m) : Meh....I hope we can get Ward 49ers or Murphy Vikings
Zero2Cool (43m) : Yes
Martha Careful (45m) : did Nate Hobbs just sign with us CB Raiders?
Zero2Cool (53m) : Jets have agreed to terms with former Ravens CB Brandon Stephens
Zero2Cool (57m) : Aaron Banks’ PFF grade was 0.1 worse than Elgton Jenkins last year.
Zero2Cool (57m) : Muwahaha
Zero2Cool (57m) : Oh awesome! Nostrawrongus says 4th so SUPER BOWL ON TRACK!!
dhazer (1h) : to be honest the freee agent market isnt that great this year so I can handle a 500 yr or sub 500 is fine, i see us as 4th in division
dhazer (1h) : Hi Dave long time no see
Mucky Tundra (1h) : Slaton to the Begals=Guaranteed Big Boy in the first 3 rounds
Mucky Tundra (1h) : WE SIGNED SOMEONE!!!!!!1!
Zero2Cool (1h) : Former #Packers DT TJ Slaton headed to the #Bengals on a 2-year $15.1M deal.
Zero2Cool (1h) : 4-year $77M for Packers new guard Aaron Banks
Zero2Cool (2h) : OL Patrick Mekari to sign with the Jaguars.
Zero2Cool (2h) : oops
Zero2Cool (2h) : Josh Sweat to Cardinals
Martha Careful (2h) : Josh Sweat to the Arizona Cardinals.
Mucky Tundra (2h) : Surprises the Seahawks signed Darnold for that money
buckeyepackfan (2h) : Depends on what Kupp is igned for.
Martha Careful (2h) : The Bears are adding to their defensive line. Chicago is signing former Colts pass-rusher Dayo Odeyingbo to a three-year, $48 million deal
Zero2Cool (2h) : Free agent DT Poona Ford to the #Rams on a 3-year, $30M
dfosterf (2h) : Imo cooper kupp is pretty much stupid money spending
Zero2Cool (2h) : Dayo Odeyingbo to the Bears
Zero2Cool (2h) : oops
Zero2Cool (2h) : CB Darius Slay to sign with the Steelers
buckeyepackfan (2h) : Justin Fields to The Jets!
Martha Careful (2h) : Justin Field to the Jets
buckeyepackfan (2h) : Cooper Kupp! After all the stupid money is spent.
Zero2Cool (2h) : Colts are signing Vikings S Cam Bynum
buckeyepackfan (2h) : "Stupid Money" week underway. Let's see if Gute can pluck another gem this year. #8 & #29 last year, who can it be this year? My money is on
Martha Careful (2h) : Former Eagles cornerback Darius Slay is signing with the Steelers, per Jordan Schultz.
Martha Careful (3h) : Sam Darnold is off to the Seattle Seahawks. It’s a three-year, $110.5 m 55m guaranteed.
beast (3h) : Yeah, Adebo has high risk, high reward, longs of INTs but also lots of getting burned deep... I was going to be surprised if we overpaid him
beast (3h) : Adams is from greater Standford area, but when to College in Fresno
Martha Careful (3h) : scratch that...he just signed with the giants
Martha Careful (3h) : Multiple NFL experts assert former Saints standout Paulson Adebo is Packers top choice.
beast (3h) : Rodgers always said he thought it would be very cool to play for the Steelers head coach
Martha Careful (3h) : Boooo
Zero2Cool (3h) : CB DJ Reed to Lions
Zero2Cool (4h) : Packers reporter saying don't be surprised if Packers keep Alexander
Zero2Cool (4h) : Rodgers to Steelers seems to be getting some steam
Zero2Cool (5h) : C Drew Dalman to Chicago
Zero2Cool (5h) : Godwin remains with Bucs. Another WR that won't join Super Bowl run
Zero2Cool (6h) : Packers will NOT re-sign Josh Myers, BillHuber
Zero2Cool (7h) : No Block, No Rock!
Zero2Cool (7h) : Free Agency day and Tweeter is down haha
Martha Careful (7h) : Pickens, no thanks...does not like to block and dumb.
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Sunday, Oct 20 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Oct 27 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Nov 3 @ 3:25 PM
Sunday, Nov 17 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Nov 24 @ 3:25 PM
Thursday, Nov 28 @ 7:20 PM
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Monday, Dec 23 @ 7:15 PM
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Sunday, Jan 12 @ 3:30 PM
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