Hey, people will tell you I rant and whine about bureaucrats and other rule-makers and interfering busybodies at all levels of "guvmint".
As part of what you call my "propaganda/indoctrination" teaching, I occasionally mention the fact that the Federal Register (where fed regulations are all published for those of you don't know the name) adds over 100
thousand pages of rules
every year. And probably 75,000 of those pages get "promulgated" and published in the Code of Federal Regulations.
That works out to about 300 books worth of legalese per year. Okay, everyone who has the time to read 300 books every year, or a staff to read them for you and give you "executive summaries", please raise your hand.
(I'd been wanting to bring a copy of the CFR to class for years when I saw John Stoessel do it on one of his YouTube videos. Alas, I've never had that kind of funds available.)
Call me paranoid. Call me loony. But I fail to see what makes a Department of Homeland Security any more trustworthy with respect to its actions than any of those other unelected bureaucrats are with regard to theirs. And I fail to see how Congresscritters who have enabled ("delegated") all that rule-making by the unelected with respect to people's daily lives and business are somehow more trustworthy when it comes to doing so with respect to terrorism.
Nor do I trust state government.
Local government -- I trust them a bit more because I live in a town of 1200 and so they're typically neighbors who have to deal with my bitching in person if they get too far out of line.
But I don't bitch about state and local government as much as I bitch about the federals (and in particular TSA and Homeland Security), because unlike state and locals, they don't interfere in any significant way with my ability to travel or trade.
Thanks to Justice Jackson and the Wickard v. Filburn court, there's not a damn part of economic life that is immune from federal government interference, legislative AND bureaucratic, via the Commerce and Supremacy clauses and the delegation doctrine.
You'll dismiss this as trivial, but in my "pursuit of happiness" as a collector of obselete and/or casino chips, I buy a lot of stuff on ebay, some from international sellers. Every time I do so, I have to walk over to the post office and sign for the package. And every time that I sign, my signature and my dealings, go into who knows how many government databases.
This makes us safer how?
Another bit. Do you know how many containers come into a port like Long Beach or Seattle every day? Do you really think Homeland Security, ATF, Border Control, and the dozen other agencies/departments regulating such imports can inspect anything more than a tiny fraction of what comes in by ship? Do you really think the terrorist bad guys are too stupid to know this? Do you really think that making every air traveler go through a security checkpoint is going to significantly impact terrorist plans to do terrorist stuff, when who knows what might be aboard the tens (hundreds?) of millions of semi-size containers that come into the country every year. Hell, there are between 8000 and 10000 separate truck loads hitting American highways and railways every day from Long Beach alone.
IMO, The damage that terrorists could do to us via another 9/11 or another Boston is TRIVIAL compared to what they could do us by taking out a container port. If you think a terrorist could hide and deliver a significant amount of NBCs hidden in his shoes and carryon bag in a commuter jet, just think of what he might hide and deliver via those ports and semi-trailers.
You want to be afraid of what terrorists can do, be afraid of THAT. Stop yammering about the trivial increase in safety that has come from interfering with my air travel and my chip collecting.
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Romans 12:2 (NKJV)