The thing that in my opinion makes it worse is: He has such a track record of being a jerk.
Would the Lions coach be ticked off if some player from another team did that crap to HIS QB? You bet he would. Yet he can't get his own player to not play dirty.
If it was me, the next time we played that guy, i'd tell my guys to go sfter him every play. In the groin, and any other soft spot.
The only way to deal with a bully (if the so called "authority figures" won't do anything) is to give them a shot of their own garbage. Show them that if they are going to play that way, then the gloves come off.
Suh is a dirty player, and it should not be tolerated by the NFL. They preach "protecting players" then let this thug do whatever he wants, cause he's a "STAR" player. 30 grand to him is a slap on the wrist.