My wife will bring up stuff that I don't have a clue about, remember, or even know if it actually happened or was said. So, I have come up with a sure fire thing that calms all situations before they even start.
Every 40 minutes or so I blurt out "I'm really sorry, honey." This confuses the hell out of her and she goes nuts trying to figure out what in the world I'm sorry for. Then she'll ask, "what did YOU do?" And I'll reply, "oh you know what!"
Then she'll say, "No, I don't know what?"
Me: "well, if you can't remember the forget it."
This drives her nuts, then she realizes she's just been hit with reverse physchology, and only women are suppossed to fight battles like that.
I get a slap upside the head and about 40 minutes later....."Im sorry.."
Anyone for a Weenie Roast?