ZBS requires sophisticated play calling and techniques. It requires a much higher degree of precision to be effective. A strong case can be made that our repeated early season inability to effectively run the ball is at least in part due to the precision required to run it effectively.
The biggest problem with our ZBS is that our personnel are too ineffective as traditional blockers to effectively "hybridize" into a more traditional blocking plan. We are going to continue to see an inordinate amount of offensive penalties if we continue on this path of scheme and personnel to fit. Our offensive line is way too often out-physicalled by our opponents. Our offensive linemen will continue to attempt to make their assignements at all costs. This is certainly not about motivation or will. This will continue to result in false starts and holding penalties. Our quarterback will continue to have to run for his life when our smallish line fails in pass blocking. There has been graphic evidence to support a concept that Rodgers has gotten skittish in the pocket throughout the season. At times it has appeared like he has been lucky to survive a football game, much less win it.
The running statistics cited by some as meaning we don't have a ZBS problem, or do not have a running game problem...I submit that this mentality is too narrowly focused...by a long shot.
I submit that we will never realize the full potential of both our running and passing games until we start to repair the personnel decisions that have been made as a result of our ZBS philosophy. It has been pointed out by many that other teams do run it successfully, and the fact is, so do we at times. I submit we will never, ever be a dominating offense, either running or passing, with 305 lb. guards, 303 lb. centers, and 315 lb. tackles.
It has been said you never need a gun until you need one bad. I will also say that if you ever need three yards for a first down, or more importantly two yards for a touchdown, you are either going to have to pass the football, or run an easily broke-down ZBS play. Remember, there IS no hole in a ZBS play...there is a "cut back" lane ... almost an ephemeral objective for a running back. If the plan is to continue to use ZBS type players for a ZBS type scheme, do not be looking for a hole in front of your running back, because even when the oline goes hat on hat to try and make one, they cannot do it...you have seen it time and again.
4 yards or whatever a carry is lovely, but we are 5 and 8, and this lengthy set of threads is a large part of the reason why. This is not the offense versus defense argument thread, this is a contribution to start to handle the "other" part of the equation as regards BOTH lines.
SEE PACK93z For the linebackers... I AM SURE he can be sucked into the d-line discussion.