Already looked into consolidation/refi, can't do it, or at least not in a way that I'd get any benefit from it. I'd gladly triple the monthly payments for a couple percentage points off but nope, government says you can't refinance for a term shorter than 10 years. Thank you, noble government for saving me from the evil banks. I could probably take out a loan from a local bank for this but as I understand it, I'll probably take a hit to my credit score. I absolutely love that in order to have a great credit rating, you need to regularly borrow money... But not too much, or too often.
I'm not really sure if I'd qualify as frugal, but I try not to eat out more than about twice a week, maybe three times. I used to limit it to about once a week. I don't have a data plan for my phone and don't text, I have cable internet but no TV, and otherwise try to avoid those things that tend to nickle and dime you to death. Lord knows I could save probably $1500 a year by not eating out at all, but at some point you've got to decide to not be TOO frugal... In my mind, if you don't treat yourself at least a little bit once in a while, that's as bad as working 60 hours a week when you're young because you want to get all sorts of stuff you'll never have time to enjoy. Balance in all things. :)
Originally Posted by: Porforis