A restaurant owner stopped by to pay his insurance bill. As he was leaving he told me that I need to get rid of the obsidian rocks in front of the office. He says it has “negative energy. Very bad luck”. He is (was) a geologist (in former Yugoslavia) and he knows these things.
I said that makes sense because I know the rock forms by a lighting strike.
He replied,“JA! Be careful how much you touch them.”
I said I will. I will speak to my partner who set them there.
He said after you get rid of it you will see, business will be better.
Then I said I will bring them down and set them in front of your restaurant.
We both were laughing so hard we were coughing. He shook his finger and walked out the door.
I don't know if that same folk lore has been attributed to the rock here in the US as well or in Europe only. I have seen more superstitions amongst emigrants than I have with people who are 2nd or 3rd generation.