I don't know if this is the answer to the thread's question, and I'm sure it is not a palatable answer for most, but ...
1. Man is fallen.
2. Man is fallen because of eating from "the tree of knowledge of good and evil."
3. Having fallen, man is prohibited from eating of "the tree of life [and Godly wisdom]"
4. Man likes to construct out of his pride and self-love Towers of Babel.
5. The success of any Tower of Babel is doomed because of #1, #2, and #3.
What is a newspaper, if not a particularly loud-mouthed "Tower of Babel" institution?
What are all institutions of human information (science, education, purchasing power, expert evidence, etc.), if not Tower of Babels we've erected out of the ephemerality and fog of our pride?
Man believes too much in himself. And the more "successful" we are, as individuals, as nations, as cultures, the more that success reinforces and "justifies" that which cannot be justified.
Our pride.
Jesus taught love, yes.
But our pride has distorted that, too. We have taken the commandment of love to mean "I'm ok, and you're ok, and it's all about self-esteem and self-realization and self, self, self." We forget that "Love thy neighbor as thyself" comes only after "Love the Lord thy God with all your heart and all your mind and all your soul."
We've forgotten that Jesus also taught humility. We've forgotten that love is about following him, and that we can follow him only by obedience.
We can't love "our way". Our way comes only through eating the tree of knowledge, processed through human innards and shat out a human anus. No matter how much Chanel No. 5 we add, no matter how many vitamin supplements we might add, in cosmic terms, it's still shit.
True love comes only through the tree of life.
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Romans 12:2 (NKJV)