That;s true Kevin.
Our freedoms are taken away little by little. That prevents an "uproar".
That's why i'm so bothered by them wanting to take away gun rights from law abiding citizens. It's been working up to that all along. The first thing Adolph Hitler did was take away all guns from the German citizens. Then he took control of the children. "It takes a village" didn't start with Hillary Clinton. (It doesn't take a takes parents that take time with their children. Time to love, and teach them right from wrong).
It's the same with television. Back in the 1960's, you couldn't even say "damn" on TV. Now, everything but the "F" word is accepted. Same thing with the sex shown on TV.
It was a little at a time.
And they wonder why kids can't talk today without every other word being a cuss word. It's because they are bombarded at all points with it. There's no "shock value" anymore.
I find myself swearing more then i ever did before, and most of the time i don't even realize it.
We have become numb to it, and our freedoms being taken.