It it too early to talk about the Bears @ GB game yet?
I got a text from my son this afternoon. (No Brett photos included.)
He wanted to know if I wanted to go to the Chicago-GB game. Last year when he asked me if I wanted to go to the NFC CG in Chicago he knew someone who had tickets for sale so naturally I concluded that he had someone/something in mind again.
I told him sure I would consider it. That weekend is when we normally go to my wife's family's Christmas and her mother will be in rehab after knee surgery so the family is looking elsewhere. Personally I think that we should all go to the rehab center and spend the day with Mom but it is the 5 daughter's decision to make not mine.
Back to the GB game- My son texts back and says 2 tickets are about $400-$450. Still thinking he is looking at the person as we trade texts I told him to "go for it." Meaning he could write a check and I would reimburse him when I see him on Wed. What I didn't know is that he had no one lined up. He meant "we" could buy them on Stub Hub. "OHHHHH" Now I understand.
So after work I get online, spend a little time looking at what they have available. Bit the bullet, took a deep breath, pulled out my plastic card and ordered 2 tickets. He wanted to know if his mom was going to the game too. I told him no. yesterday's game was as cold as she wanted it to be. She would not go to a game later in the year.
I sent him a follow up text that they were ordered. gave him the section and row. He sent me a reply saying "this is the best present ever". Another saying "he couldn't wait". "This was almost better than the World Series".