He just made it up out of thin air, like when he said that Ryan Grant doesn't work on pass blocking. Jones went over the middle a lot in his first couple years, until the coaches realized that he was even more effective running sideline routes. I guess some fans just can't handle having four or five really good wide receivers on their team.
Originally Posted by: Greg C.
1: I did not make this up, see my response two posts ago. On the contrary.
2: I also did not say that Ryan Grant "doesn't work on pass blocking." What I stated was that they attempted to make every one of the RBs in training camp into the "designated pass pro" dude. EXCEPT Grant. Now you believe this is because Grant is "the starter." I merely suggested maybe it's because he's not awesome at that.
3: Since we're calling for evidence for every single claim that is stated on this board, do you have any empirical data to suggest that "the coaches realized he was even more effective running sideline routes?" Also, by "more effective," do you mean "drops fewer passes" along the sideline than over the middle? Because when we talk about going "over the middle," we generally mean short to intermediate distance. This is considered more dangerous, because you are most likely to get hammered by LBs making catches over the middle. Now, given that it's generally the "over the shoulder" catches that JJ has problems with, it seems to me that he would be BETTER on those crossing patterns over the middle, then he would be streaking down the sidelines, or even going deep over the middle.
Furthermore, given JJ's bulk and his larger frame, it would seem that he has the size and strength to take those types of hits going over the middle, better than smaller, lankier guys like say Donald Driver. Not to mention the fact that he is a decade younger. However, if you do provide evidence that "the coaches realized that he was even more effective running sideline routes" then I will defer to said evidence. Thanks.
4: As evad would say, what are you talking about in your last sentence? Some fans can't handle having 4 or 5 really good WRs on our team? I haven't heard anyone say they have a problem with that. Perhaps you could clarify.
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