Outside the net.. my best friends and I live on giving each other shit constantly.. it is part of the fabric of our friendships.
In this medium.. I am much more reserved simply because you can't sell the expression surrounding the rip.. it might not come off correctly. So I tread lightly.. especially with some that I am unsure how they are going to take it. A general rule I live life by.. try and respect everyone until they give you a reason not to.. try an apply that here.
In some cases, example being ND.. if I rip on North Dakota it is really like ripping on my locale... so to me it seems defeating to do so.
Personally.. I give two shits less you rip on me... but there are certain topics off limits with me. My family and wife are not fair game, neither are the less fortunate and challenged people in life.. passed that.. who cares.
It is my responsibility to handle the rip accordingly and respond if I have a set.
"The oranges are dry; the apples are mealy; and the papayas... I don't know what's going on with the papayas!"