I was going to start another thread, but since this fits the title if not the original post of this one, I'll put it here.
/rant on
I'm not a particular Sarah Palin fan, though I'd rather have her than Joe Biden as VP. (A pinhead MILF in heels beats a pinhead Northeaster career politico.)
But, I'm sorry, I just don't get the "making Palin responsible for the Arizona shooting" crap. I've reached the conclusion that the mainstream media's big problem isn't their liberal bias. Though they are. It isn't that they're irresponsible. Though they are. It's that they are just stupid.
As everyone knows, I pretty much despise politicians and politics. For reasons that I'm not going to bore you with again. (at least not in this post)
But when a crazy starts spewing lead in ways that kill unarmed 9 year olds, the blame cannot in any way be placed on a politician spewing its usual useless rhetoric. You don't stop crazies by "toning down public rhetoric."
Any more than you can stop a rabid dog by offering it a Greenie.
Every time I think mainstream "public discourse" can't get any worse, and decide to drop in and observe it again, I find I am wrong.
Pardon my Anglo-Saxon, but...
What a bunch of fucking morons homo medius yakkus is.
/rant off
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Romans 12:2 (NKJV)