14 years ago

New $105M Va. prison remains empty

The Roanoke Times
January 3, 2011
By Laurence Hammack

As John Garman walks the hallways and cellblocks of Virginia's newest prison, he is met at every turn by eerie silence.

Prisons are noisy places, and by now this sprawling, 1,024-bed complex should be a cacophony of buzzing electronic gates, metal clanking on metal, and hundreds of voices raised above the din.

But four months after the Grayson County prison was completed at a cost of $105 million, it sits empty -- the consequence of a declining number of inmates statewide, and a reduction in state dollars to lock them up.

Having a new prison without prisoners is a striking turnabout for Virginia. The state's inmate population of about 38,000 has nearly doubled since 1994, when the General Assembly voted to abolish parole and to embark on a prison-building boom.

In the past two fiscal years, however, the number of inmates has declined for the first time in recent history, dropping by 2.8 percent.

At the same time, the ongoing fiscal crunch has forced the Virginia Department of Corrections to trim its $1 billion budget. The state has eliminated nearly 2,500 prison beds in the past two years, in part by closing four correctional centers, including ones in Botetourt and Pulaski counties, according to a report from the House Appropriations Committee.

It's not unusual for states to shut older prisons as crime drops and public concern shifts to the troubled economy, said Marc Mauer, executive director of the Sentencing Project, a national group that promotes criminal justice reform.

"Corrections over the past 25 years has become an increasingly big component of state budgets, to the point that it's competing for funding with education and other core services," Mauer said. "And you can't have it both ways anymore."

What's more unusual, he said, is for a brand-new prison like the one in Grayson County to be mothballed.

Garman, a regional director for the Department of Corrections, acknowledged as much during a recent tour of the facility, which has yet to be named and could remain empty for two years or longer.

"It's an unusual circumstance for the department, needless to say," Garman said. "But it is what it is, and we'll deal with it the best way we can."

That means keeping the electricity running and paying a skeleton staff to maintain the 252,000-square-foot complex. And it means a prison built for $105 million is now costing taxpayers nearly $2,000 each day it remains empty.

Surge never came

Six years ago, Virginia's prisons were packed.

And the state's inmate population of 35,000 was projected to top 46,000 by 2010, the General Assembly was told in a report from the secretary of public safety.

Lawmakers responded in 2004 with funds for two medium-security prisons in Tazewell and Pittsylvania counties. Plans for a third prison, in Grayson County, were approved the following year.

Once construction began, it became clear that the prison system was not growing as rapidly as expected.

With a current inmate population of about 38,000 -- 8,000 fewer than what was predicted in 2004 -- and less state funding, the Department of Corrections has had to downsize. (The count includes inmates in prisons and those in local jails who have received a penitentiary sentence.)

Aging prisons in Botetourt, Brunswick, Pulaski and Southampton counties were closed.

Of the three new prisons built to handle a surge that never came, only one, in Tazewell County, is fulfilling its intended mission.

Greenrock Correctional Center in Pittsylvania County, which opened in 2007 about the same time as the Tazewell prison, is holding about 1,000 inmates from Pennsylvania.

And it's unclear how long the newest prison in Grayson County will remain vacant.

"Why they projected the need for all these prisons, I don't know," said Jean Auldridge, president of Virginia CURE, an inmate advocacy group. "It just makes no sense that the General Assembly decided to do that. I think they wanted to be so tough on crime, they just went overboard."

Yet crime in Virginia is declining, a trend that began well before the three new prisons were ready to accept inmates.

"Prior to 2002, historical trends showed growth," Larry Traylor, a spokesman for the Department of Corrections, said in an e-mailed response to questions about why the three prisons were built.

Arrest rates have since dropped, especially for violent crimes and drug offenses that in the past have driven inmate predictions upward.

"Forecasters across the country are monitoring trends to explain these unprecedented declines; however, they are not explained at this point," Traylor said.

A report from the secretary of public safety offered several possible explanations. For one, arrests for cocaine offenses in Virginia have dropped 40 percent since 2007. Why? Tougher enforcement and border security, along with the drug war in Mexico, have made it harder for traffickers to import cocaine, the report stated.

Another reason for fewer arrests could be that there are fewer police officers on the streets as local and state law enforcement agencies are forced to cut spending, according to the report.

Even with arrests down, correctional officials say they can always use more prison beds.

"This is not a bed space problem. This is a money problem," Traylor said, when asked to respond to criticism that the prison system was overbuilt. "Budget reductions have forced us to close facilities."

Because of the closings, prison officials have been leaving more state inmates in local jails. With crime down, that hasn't created overcrowding for most jails, said John Jones, executive director of the Virginia Sheriffs' Association.

As for the near future, it looks as if the number of prisons will continue to decline. The Department of Corrections is facing a $10.9 million cut in the upcoming budget year, Traylor said, which "may entail closing one or more facilities."

Smarter sentencing

Last year, about 13,000 men and women finished their time and walked out of a Virginia prison, a 33 percent turnover rate that is normal for the system.

Within three years, 28 percent of them will return by committing a new crime or violating probation, according to the Department of Corrections.

It's a revolving door that the state is trying to slow down.

At the direction of Gov. Bob McDonnell, corrections officials are putting more emphasis on programs to keep inmates from re-offending. Although Virginia's recidivism rate is the sixth-lowest among 40 states for which data was most recently available, the current reduction in prison beds and funding is adding urgency to the effort.

The program -- run by a newly created coordinator and overseen by a council appointed by the governor -- will target inmates as soon as they enter prison and develop a detailed plan to assist their rehabilitation.

Such an idea might never have been broached 10 or 15 years ago -- much less by a Republican governor -- when the mood among politicians was to abolish parole, enact mandatory minimum sentences and vote for other punitive measures.

But with crime down and state dollars scarce, there seems to be a shift in philosophy when it comes to crime and punishment, said Del. Onzlee Ware, D-Roanoke, who serves on the Virginia Crime Commission.

"I think we've come full circle, because it's obvious we've overbuilt ourselves with prisons," Ware said. "I think it's finally seeped in. I don't think people like to admit it politically, but the fact of the matter is that it's a lot cheaper to do prevention than it is to lock people up in the penitentiary."

Re-entry is not the only new idea being floated these days. A state task force is looking for ways to cut down on the number of nonviolent felons sent to prison. For years, drug dealers and thieves have far outnumbered killers and rapists in prison.

"We may be locking people up smarter," said Jones of the sheriff's association. "We don't need to lock up all these nonviolent offenders. If we're mad at them, we don't need to lock them up. If we're scared of them, we do need to lock them up."

Guarding empty cells

On a mid-December day in Grayson County, a malicious wind whipped across the prison yard as the temperature hovered in the teens.

The door to one of the prison's four housing units swung open, and Garman and his visitors stepped inside an empty, but warm, building.

Virginia taxpayers are paying $715,000 this year to keep the prison in mint condition. The heat runs to keep pipes from freezing, and air conditioning will prevent mold and mildew in the summer. Six employees are responsible for maintaining the prison, which sits off U.S. 58 just east of Independence.

There's a one-year warranty on work done by the contractors, so the prison's staff has been busy testing security systems, flushing toilets, running equipment and making sure everything works properly.

Normally, those kinds of things would be done as the prison gradually filled up. It's difficult to troubleshoot for problems, Garman said, "until you have 1,024 guys all flushing the toilets in the morning."

Already, four months of inattention is taking its toll. The locks on gates leading to the prison yard, which normally would be used countless times in the course of a day, were freezing shut. Now, they get opened and shut regularly by the staff, even though there's no one to pass through them.

The state's two-year budget includes another $715,000 to maintain the prison in the upcoming fiscal year.

"In some ways, folks might say we're wasting money." sGarman said. "But I don't think so. We're guarding the commonwealth's investment by making sure we got what we paid for."

Meanwhile, a state lawmaker who represents the region said he's working with the governor and secretary of public safety to find ways to use the prison by next summer, even if it's just a portion of the cells.

People in the area are eager to apply for the 350 jobs that the prison will create, said Del. Bill Carrico, R-Grayson County.

"We're in a financial crisis right now, and everybody needs to understand that we have limited dollars," Carrico said. Still, he said, "I feel confident that we're not going to let a $100 million prison sit empty."

I'm a little puzzled by the tone of this article. It seems to deplore the fact that the prison population in Virginia is declining. Shouldn't it be a good thing that the number of prisoners is going down? Why would we want to continue filling prisons if we don't have to?
  • Wade
  • Veteran Member
14 years ago
we don't.

but we also don't want to spend 100 mil on something that won't be used.
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Romans 12:2 (NKJV)
14 years ago
Open up the cells to other state overpopulation.. it will fill itself soon enough in that case.
"The oranges are dry; the apples are mealy; and the papayas... I don't know what's going on with the papayas!"
14 years ago
Another glaring example that government has not the ability, let alone the desire, to do anything more than eat up a budget so they can get more the next year.

I grew up in the Eagle River area of N. WI. As a 16 year old kid hitting keg parties, I knew that area was one of declining population because the opportunities are limited there unless you own a business, or work for govt./schools. A school referendum for a new H.S. was passed using the taxpayers' dollars, and with the teachers' union doing the legwork for the local powerbase in govt. and their development buddies. Built a brand new "palace/church" the the blessed little creatures, hitting hard the finances of an increasingly aging population with limited/fixed incomes.

Within a year of the thing being built....twice what they needed with 3 B-ball courts, mezzanine running track and I believe a pool, the district releases a report bemoaning the shrinking student populaton...and in doing so, the largesse of this school.

Like I said, as long as government has a hand in things, do not look for efficiency of thoughtful consideration of how the monies are used......just how goverment rolls, and why we need a whole lot less of it!
State Motto: "Wisconsin, our serial murderers eat their kill!"
14 years ago
but the people voted for the referendum, correct? so aren't they responsible? or did i miss something? edit: for once i'm not bein a smart ass here - just trying to figure out how the gov't is to blame in this case.
  • Wade
  • Veteran Member
14 years ago
+1 to 4PackGirl.

The ultimate responsibility for government lies with us. We are the ones who elect based on "what government does for me".
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Romans 12:2 (NKJV)
14 years ago
Yes, they did....after a HUGE advertising/PR campaign paid for by the very entities who benefited from it, using mucho taxpayer dollars to do so.

I am not saying all the people up there are the brightest bulbs on the tree........but the dollars and organization simply could not be met/matched on a grass roots basis with the power of local governmment and its bitch the teachers' union. I would like to know how many billable hours these "educators" spend lining their own pockets with this boondoggle. As one of my friends in school administration said about the dollars spent on schools....."they do it because they can".
State Motto: "Wisconsin, our serial murderers eat their kill!"
14 years ago
Agreed Wade....people voted for this.....based on what?

Wonder what the vote would have been had the report noting declining student population been released prior to the referendum? You see, many believe they had voted based on faulty or misleading information....presented by the ones who benefitted from the deal.

My point is that government does not work for us, but for itself. Any illusions otherwise are pretty misguided, IMHO.
State Motto: "Wisconsin, our serial murderers eat their kill!"
14 years ago
sorry digsy but they do it because the voters let them. we as a collective society have to educate ourselves on the issues. we hear bullet points that we may or may not disagree with & make our decisions thusly. pretty sad that some flashy signage can blind enough people to get something passed like this.

ignorance & greed will be/have been the downfall of our society. the gov't is corrupt because we let it happen.
14 years ago
Correct on all your points....still does not change my opinion of how they operate. Honestly, it is like shooting fish in barrels convincing some of these old folks that these things are needed.

I am of the mindset that people's stupidity should, to the greatest extent possible, be borne by them. Today, we get to share the consequences of individual and societal stupidity.

Fuck....I need to win the lottery and buy an island before I start to weed the dumbasses out in a strictly Darwinist fashion!
State Motto: "Wisconsin, our serial murderers eat their kill!"
Fan Shout
Zero2Cool (now) : From 2010 to 2022, it was played on the Sunday before the Super Bowl
Zero2Cool (1m) : They moved it to the BYE week before Super Bowl several years ago.
packerfanoutwest (7m) : it was always after the SB.....
beast (9h) : Though I stop following pro bowl years ago
beast (9h) : I thought the pro game was before the Super Bowl?
packerfanoutwest (10h) : ok now for the Pro Bowl Game in Hawaii
TheKanataThrilla (11h) : If I was Philly I would try to end it instead of punting it
Mucky Tundra (11h) : VICTORY! We have (moral) victory!
TheKanataThrilla (11h) : Hey they mentioned that we 3-peted
Mucky Tundra (11h) : seems to me the 49ers should have traded Aiyuk when they had the chance
Mucky Tundra (11h) : if the Eagles get it down to the 1, do they Tush Push or give it to Barkley?
TheKanataThrilla (11h) : 49ers have a money problem if they want to sign their QB
Mucky Tundra (11h) : Wait for real? Didn't he just get an extension two years ago?
Zero2Cool (11h) : 49ers gonna trade Deebo. Interesting
TheKanataThrilla (11h) : Replays always never seem to show the holdings
TheKanataThrilla (12h) : Great throw by Hurts
Mucky Tundra (12h) : Where Carter falls prey to bad off the field influences (to be clear, not saying he'd clip someone though)
Mucky Tundra (12h) : Had Carter not gone to Philly were they already had a lot of old college friends, he ends up in a similar spot to Aaron Hernandez
Mucky Tundra (12h) : I think some of his coaches told scouts to stay away
Mucky Tundra (12h) : the street racing incident+conditioning and motivation problems
beast (12h) : Then Carter was street racing, where the other car crashed and people died... and other teams were scared to pick Carter for some reason
beast (12h) : I think the Saints traded up, giving their next year 1st to the Eagles, and then they sucked and Eagles got the 10th overall pick
packerfanoutwest (12h) : wtf Barkley?
TheKanataThrilla (12h) : Getting Carter and Nolan Smith in the first round in 2023 was pretty darn good
Mucky Tundra (12h) : for some reason i'm thinking of a draft where the Eagles where in the mid 20s and a top player fell all the way to them
TheKanataThrilla (12h) : I think so. I would need to look it up. Think it may have been Carolina's pick.
Mucky Tundra (12h) : i'm not sure who i'm thinking of now
Mucky Tundra (12h) : oh fuck me i messed that up
Zero2Cool (12h) : Jordan Davis was 13th overall
Zero2Cool (12h) : Carter was 9th overall
Zero2Cool (12h) : Eagles had 15th and 10th selections, moved to 13 and 9 to get Davis and Carter back to back
Zero2Cool (12h) : Eagles traded up for Carter, didn't they?
Mucky Tundra (12h) : Obviously he was a huge risk but getting a top 5 talent on the dline in the mid 20s is fortuitous
Mucky Tundra (12h) : Jalen Carter falling into their lap certainly helps
TheKanataThrilla (12h) : And we could only wish to have this type of D
TheKanataThrilla (12h) : It's not like Philly has had low draft picks, but has managed to get themselves a top notch pass rush. We spend so much draft capital of D
packerfanoutwest (12h) : another crap halftime show
TheKanataThrilla (12h) : I think it is over, but then I think of Atlanta and want Philly to go in with the same intensity in the second half
Mucky Tundra (13h) : And with a Pass Rush that might as well be on a milk cartoon and no Jaire
Martha Careful (13h) : I cant help but feel good about how well the Packers D played in Philly during the playoffs
Mucky Tundra (13h) : this game is over
Mucky Tundra (13h) : This might be the kill shot here
Mucky Tundra (13h) : oh that's such a bad penalty for KC after getting the 3rd down stop
TheKanataThrilla (13h) : Philly DL has come to play
TheKanataThrilla (13h) : Ceoper DeJean with the INT scored...bad memories of draft night
Mucky Tundra (13h) : ok scratch that
Mucky Tundra (13h) : Game feels like last years Super Bowl: 49ers started off in control, moved the ball well but didn't have much of a lead to show for it
TheKanataThrilla (13h) : KC jumped and they call it on Eagles. WTF refs
TheKanataThrilla (14h) : If he was offside why did you let him pop the QB?
TheKanataThrilla (14h) : I like that Eagles are controlling time of possession so far.
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