One of my favorite movie quotes is pertinent here:
Dan Akroyd's character in the movie Tommy Boy says, "What the American people don't know makes them the American people."
If the old folks are sheep and just follow along because there were nice pretty ads on the TV during Wheel of Fortune, then they have only themselves to blame.
It is funny how local politics are what most directly affects all Americans, yet turnout at local elections and voter knowledge of issues is notoriously low. However, voter turnout for Presidential elections is almost always higher (when most folks haven't a clue on foreign policy, fiscal policy, etc) yet the President is largely a figurehead who can enact no new laws or policies w/o Congressional approval.
I say make the prison a "niche" hotel or condos. If it is like most prisons these days, it probably has a nicer weight room/gym/facilities than your own health club anyhow.