Something that saddens me is that Aaron Rodgers' MVP prospects essentially evaporated today. Not only did he fail to complete the game, but Tom Brady had yet another dominant performance against the Bears. Short of a catastrophic failure in the next three weeks, I think Brady is a lock for MVP.
This game was a vivid example of exactly why I hate running quarterbacks. As fun as it is to watch them scramble for those extra few yards or run it in for that clutch touchdown, the fact is they just get hurt too much. It's pretty rare that a running quarterback plays every game in a season (see: Vick, Mike). I'll be surprised if Vick makes it through the rest of this season unscathed.
I'd far rather have a solid pocket quarterback and a serviceable running back than a running quarterback who's constantly being put in harm's way. It was almost inevitable that Rodgers would be put out of a game sometime this season. Hopefully it doesn't happen again, but I'm not optimistic.
"Nonstopdrivel" wrote:
I was thinking the exact same thing today shortly after he went out. It was obvious that the part he played today was not played well, and when he went down, it became apparent that he may not play next week, which would albeit destroy his chances at getting the MVP that most analysts pre-crowned him with before the season. Then, seeing how Brady played today, it was, for lack of a better word, over.
In regard to the 'running QB' portion of your statement: there are other problems that need to be fixed first. He has to be a running QB on this team to survive, because our line simply is not holding up for him. Even with a 2 TE set and a RB in the backfield, he gets hit or rushed on almost half the plays. His feet are an enormous part of what makes him a successful QB. The problem is how he finishes. The guy needs to learn to slide. It is as simple as that. The NFL has the slide rules set up for a reason, to protect the QB. If he doesn't utilize that, then we will continue to run into these problems, because I don't see our line becoming good enough for him to be able to sit in the pocket every play, at least not any time soon.
Green Bay: Home of the Green & Gold. And the hunter orange. And the camouflage.